
Selling Plastic Gift Cards via Square Terminal

Selling Plastic Gift Cards via Square Terminal

I'm probably not the first user to desire this to be a function.

The only reason I purchased plastic gift cards is because I thought I'd be able to sell them (load / unload them with funds) using the Square Terminal, which is connected to my work laptop via the Virtual Terminal.

The only time I use my mobile device for payments is if and when I'm recording a cash or check payment, otherwise...I've defaulted to using the Square Terminal and the Virtual Terminal.

Is there ever going to be this option?

If not, I'd have to continuously connect / disconnect the Square Terminal from my cell phone in order to sell plastic gift cards.

I purchased the original small batch and haven't sold any of them due to this inconvenience and have pretty much talked customers into going the e-gift route instead.

Thanks sincerely



Square Community Moderator
Status changed to: Needs Beta Testers

Hi there @KTTT Thank you for submitting your request to the Virtual Terminal Ideate Board 💡

I reached out to our Product Team for more details. They've let me know that they are looking into adding this feature in the future! Would you be interested in joining an Alpha Program for testing?

Please let me know 🙂

Has this feature been created yet? We upgraded to Virtual Terminal in February of this year and just today discovered that selling the gift cards we have is not an option through the terminal. I have searched and searched and haven't been able to find a way to do this so am I to assume this feature has not been created yet?