
[New] Item bundles on Square Online

Item Bundles were previously packaged exclusively within Square for Retail. We’ve now made them available to all subscribers of Square Online Plus or Premium! 


This feature allows you to:

  • Combine multiple components into one item bundle and sell those items together online
  • Still have the ability to track inventory of the individual components
  • This is great for sellers who want to create and sell gift sets and product sets on their Square Online site. They can even be sold as a subscription using Square Subscriptions.


This feature can help you:

  • Better track inventory of individual components regardless of how you sell the items
  • Increase sales and AOV by cross-selling and upselling of similar products to your customers
  • Create promotional products around special events and the festive period 


Where can I create item bundles?

  • Bundle creation can be accessed when creating a new item in your Square Catalogue
  • A new option will be listed called ‘Sell as a bundle’


Who can access item bundles?

  • This feature was previously available to only Square for Retail Plus sellers. Now item bundles are available to Square Online Plus and Premiums sellers. 
  • You only have to be subscribed to either Square for Retail Plus or Square Online Plus to access item bundles. 


Take a look at the Square Support article as well for more information.  


Product Page - GBEN.png


Edit Item Screen - GBEN.png


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