
Subscription taxes linked to my pre-defined sales tax rates

Subscription taxes linked to my pre-defined sales tax rates

I have sales tax rates setup in my system, but when I create an invoice for a subscription it asks me to manually enter a tax amount. It should give me the option of assigning one of my pre-defined sales tax rates.

Without linking, I will have to manually edit every subscription anytime the sales tax rates change. That's going to be a huge headache that could easily be resolved by linking it to my sales tax rate. Then I would just update the tax rate one time and it would be reflected across all places where that rate was being used.

2 Replies
Square Champion

Again, this came up when I was helping @PSGC try to find a short-term workaround.  I couldn’t other than deactivating one subscription and creating another.  That’s just too time consuming


Hi @TheRealChipA @PSGC The team is currently working toward releasing subscriptions that are connected to items in your Square Library. This means that any taxes that you have applied to the item will carry over to the plan level and hopefully will alleviate this. issue. This capability will first be available through Square Online and Dashboard. Keep a look out on Product Updates for the launch announcement!