
Tip "ineligible" employee still getting tips displayed in TEAM... Square Bug

Fast Casual (walk up order, no table side service)

Square for Restaurants

Square Team - Payroll


We have one or two people per day that share register duty.  We do allow CC PoS and cash tipping at the ordering/pay stand.  We manually handle tips and each and every job role and employee is set to "Tip INeligible"... yet from time to time the employee that runs the register most ends up showing tips in her Square Team app view (payroll doesn't pay tips out, but it shows tips "earned").


I just talked with Sean at Square Payroll Support.  She is good. 


It looks like, in my opinion, this is a bug.  In the Square Team app employees still see "Tips Earned" even when they are "tip ineligible" in payroll and team settings.  They are not being paid tips when payroll processes, but there is no reason to display them.  This is not a server<->table type setup where they earn tips per person.



Michael Airhart
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Square Community Moderator

Hello there @TXMike 


This definitely seems like something that we need to further troubleshoot with you. I recommend reaching out to our support team so they can get this looked at and escalated if necessary. 


Please reach out by phone or email when you have a moment by logging into your Square account and heading here.



Community Moderator, Square
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