Square Champion

Issue with hours calculation

Square Team,


There is an issue that makes it difficult for us to easily do payroll without checking every entry.  


It would be nice if we could just look at the list of time entries and spot check, however, it looks like the list of time entries is not accurately showing.


For instance this one.  She was scheduled for 8 hours on this day.  She worked 8 hours.  However, she forgot to clock out. 

Notice the last line on March 23.  It says 13.83 hrs.  However, she was clocked in for 24 hours because she forgot to clock out and the system automatically clocked her out at 24 hours.  When I click on that entry, it shows 24 hours as you see in the next screen shot, but on this summary of her timesheets, it says 13.83 hrs. 

I am not sure at all where it is getting 13.83 hrs.


Screen Shot 2024-03-25 at 7.04.51 AM.png


Notice here, it shows that March 23 she clocked in and then was clocked out by the system on March 24.   It was 24 straight hours (including her paid break).  Yet, the summary screen of her week of timesheets above, shows that it was only 13.83 hours.  And here below, after clicking the timesheet entry, it shows that it was actually 24 hours.

Screen Shot 2024-03-25 at 7.07.19 AM.png


We have seen this issue before on several occasions.  I am hoping that this is something that we can address and fix so that we aren't needing to spend so much time checking every time sheet entry.



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Cheryl! Tisland
Burst Of Butterflies Create & Paint Studio

Message 1 of 6
Square Champion

Hey @BofBArtStudio !


First, why is it so darned impossible for employees to clock in and out?!? I lost count of how many times I got the "I forgot to..." text from my team.


My bet to why the timecard is only showing the time in that specific day that she was clocked in. Her shift was 24 hours, yes, but of that 24 she only worked 13.28 on March 23. If your pay period stopped on the 23rd, it makes sense that the remaining hours didn't show on this payroll run since the 24th would be on the next payroll run. That's not to discount the issue you're having though. Maybe there should be a note somewhere on the report saying the employee worked a longer shift than what's reported?

Ryan Wanner
Golden Pine Coffee Roasters
Colorado Springs, CO, USA

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Message 2 of 6
Square Champion

Yes!  I agree!  It happens way more often than it should that they forget to clock out.  I typically have at least a handful of time card adjustment requests each week.


Your analysis makes sense that on that day she only worked the 13.83 and then if I look at the next day, it has hours as well.  Thank you for pointing that out.  I don't know why I didn't realize that.


And yes, it would be really great if we had some kind of indicator on these that stood out because she missed two shifts earlier in the week for being sick and therefore her total hours worked for the week were less than her total scheduled hours, so looking at total hours compared to scheduled hours wouldn't have helped.  I wouldn't have even caught the 24 hour clock in except when I tried to run payroll Sunday morning, I received a message that I couldn't run payroll because shifts were still clocked in.  


I wonder how many times I have missed this and paid people for more hours than I should have.

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Cheryl! Tisland
Burst Of Butterflies Create & Paint Studio

Message 3 of 6
Square Community Moderator

Hi, @BofBArtStudio,


Thank you for bringing attention to this, I am working with our Payroll team to investigate why this is happening for you. As soon as I have more information, I will reach out to you to let you know!

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 4 of 6
Square Champion

Thank you, @Ellie_ .


I think as @ryanwanner pointed out it's because the rest of the hours carried into the next day and therefore the next pay period because she was clocked in for 24 hours on the last day of the pay period. I didn't realize that at first and it made sense once he pointed that out.


However, we still would like some better visibility into this so that we know when somebody has been clocked in for 24 hours and the system clocked them out..


I know we have the alerts and I checked my alerts settings and the problem is we get an alert for every single late clock out. Even if it's just one minute. I don't really care if they clock out a minute or two or five after their shift. And if I click on every alert that we have most of them are just a couple minutes past their shift ending. Maybe the alerts should be able to be set for anything greater than a certain amount. I'm not sure what the solution is because I know that some businesses have shifts that go overnight. And sometimes people pick up extra hours if someone else called out. But when someone is actually clocked in for 24 hours straight and the system automatically clocks them out, that alert should stand out to us when we're running payroll so that we can really look into that one and therefore not be required to check every single shift and every single time card.


Let me know if you find a good solution for this and thank you very much to you and the team!

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Cheryl! Tisland
Burst Of Butterflies Create & Paint Studio

Message 5 of 6
Square Community Moderator

Hi again!


After reaching out to our Payroll team and providing them with this feedback and how the action is currently working, they asked that you reach out to them directly to get this further escalated, so this doesn't happen again in the future.

Community Moderator, Square
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