
USB Cash Drawer opens after slight delay

The title of this thread has been edited by a Square Moderator from the original: "USB Cash Drawer opens with a 4-5 second delay all of a sudden??"


As of yesterday, for some reason, there is a delay opening the drawer by 4-5 seconds after cash transactions. There must have been a new update that pushed this new behavior through (there's also a new alert that says "transaction recorded.").


4-5 seconds doesn't sound like a lot, but this is majorly slowing us down. We crush through cash orders in a rush. Can we please go back to the old behavior where you hit the cash button and BAM the drawer opens right up?


Hitting "open drawer" still happens immediately. It's only when you input a cash transaction that there's a 4-5 second delay.

Message 1 of 258
1 Verified Answer
Verified Answer

Re: USB Cash Drawer opens after slight delay



I finally do have an update for you guys. Our team is issuing a fix, 6.31 and that should be available on 12/15/23. If for some reason anything changes with the release date we will make sure to let you guys know. I know this is not ideal with the holiday season coming up and apologize for the huge inconvenience.  I cannot thank you guys enough for your tenacity and continued patience while we address this. 🙏

1 Best Answer
Square Community Moderator

Best Answer

I have spoken with the engineers and they plan to release 6.31 to address the issue on 11/30/2023. Thank you for all your patience! 

View Best Answer >

Message 121 of 258
257 REPLIES 257

I have had this annoying problem for the last month.. almost ready to switch company

Message 85 of 258

What is the best way for us to express our unhappiness with this newest update?  This lag is too long, now that we know it is indeed not our internet provider, but something on Square's end, it seems we could get an update to solve this issue.  

Message 86 of 258
Square Community Moderator

I completely understand the frustration here @MikesCountry , I have been personally escalating the matter but I do not have an official ETA I can provide you on when the improvement to address this will be available. I understand you need to do what is best for your business, though I hope you find our included features and business tools valuable enough to stay with us. I will reach back out here when I do have any more insight. And will let you guys know when I have more information @808pielady @Brooklynotto

Message 87 of 258

Thanks for the update, Mayap. Looking forward to progress on this.

Message 88 of 258

@MayaP maybe you can remove the "solved" tag from this in the meantime? I would like to add that I had a card transaction the other day that was taking a long time, and kept failing and I had to click retry. It was someone I knew so we were just chatting, but it was frustrating & embarrassing. Finally, it wouldn't go through, so she said she'd use cash, but didn't have enough for the 2 items, so only bought 1. THEN, the CASH payment got hung up for about 3 minutes!!! As I only owed her less than a dollar in change, she said to just keep it as credit for next time and left. This is unacceptable performance, and I lost out on a sale! I rebooted Register, and then the next transaction was fine, but this isn't something I should have to do in the middle of the day. Again, I want to point out--and would like you to convey to the team working on it--the urgency of having this resolved before the full holiday season is upon us. I can't imagine being a business like a coffee shop or restaurant that experiences daily rush times and has to deal with these issues, but knowing the hectic month and half coming up for me, I'm extremely concerned about the stability of this system.

Message 89 of 258

I completely agree this should not be marked "solved".  We have a pizza/party store next to a school, so we get a lunch time and after school rush.  We have had to take our system and run it "offline" just because of how slow if gets.  Which means we take a chance of a credit card not being processed due to it is declined.  But we can't run our business effectively with the delays.

Message 90 of 258

We ARE a coffee shop and have had issues since the end of July. It is beyond frustrating!! I’m not techy enough to mark responses as “resolved” or unmark them as such. But this is DEFINITELY NOT RESOLVED!  We’ve even had our cash sales invalidated!! Watch your gift card transactions also — those are bouncing back and reloading the cards after the sale. Therefor, you lose that $$ entirely! Impatiently waiting!

Message 91 of 258
Square Community Moderator

Please see my replies above. I understand this is frustrating but I am doing my best to get this escalated and resolved. Thank you for hanging in there, I will only be posting back when I have any further updates. 

Message 92 of 258
Square Community Moderator

I fully acknowledge this has had an impact on sellers of all sizes and needs to be addressed. While I understand your frustration I will not be told I do not care when I have escalated this issue continuously every day since I have been aware of it and made our engineers file another ticket. While you are seeing redundant responses from me, we are backend truly trying to get this fixed once and for all. 


Again a new ticket has been refiled with our engineers to reinvestigate and fix the problem, that is as much as we can do right now. If you would like to report this you can call support at 1-855-700-6000 squ.re/contactsqsupport and file a complaint with a manager, but that isn't going to get it fixed. I know time is of the essence but truly there are no higher escalation paths than what Violet and I have already done. I will keep saying this regardless of how you feel I appreciate you hanging in there and will be back as soon as I have more concrete feedback. 

Message 93 of 258

Thank you!!!

Message 94 of 258

If they don’t address this issue soon, I will be leaving square. How they think a five second delay in cash transactions is acceptable is beyond me. 

Message 95 of 258

I reached out to support, explaining that I am having this issue and that this thread exists. They just keep telling me it is on my end and that I just need to test my cash drawer. I have two square registers with two different cash drawers and both have this problem. They still just reply it’s my drawer. It’s so very frustrating. 

Message 96 of 258

Thank you all for your comments on this issue. This started about 2 weeks ago for us and it is very annoying. I appreciate that may and violet have been the contacts for several months of this problem, but I think it is time to "kick it upstairs". Does anyone know how we contact someone who can actually resolve the issue?

Message 97 of 258

It seems to be getting worse and worse. Going into the holiday season I’ll be buying a new POS because I refuse to deal with this any longer 

Message 98 of 258

Is there a way to prevent automatic updates from happening?  When I do a factory reset, the register performs back to normal but it updates every night and it goes back to being slow.  Also, after the update a couple days ago, not only are cash and credit card transactions slow, but the screen started to lag as well. What is going on?

Message 99 of 258

After chatting with support, they indicated that since both of my registers were under warranty, they would send replacements. I had low expectations that this would help, since clearly it is a software issue, but I thought I would give it a try. As predicted, the brand new registers have the same issue with the cash drawer opening painfully slow. I sent them a video to show how slow. I have not heard back. Still dealing with the frustration and the lag...

Message 100 of 258

Today it took 3-5 MINUTES to accept a check payment!!! Finally failed due to "network error", but everything else in my shop is working just fine, so I don't believe this is the true cause. Plus, it was AFTER a reboot I had just done about 30 min prior because a card payment (tapped) took about 5 minutes to go through. After it failed & I retried once I wanted to reboot (because retry often doesn't work, and then it's just in this hung up phase where you can't do anything). This is completely UNACCEPTABLE.


The level of uncomfortable is off the charts as your customer just stares at you, and then after they've been waiting 5 min, you explain you're going to reboot, so they have to stand around even more. I really am thinking about pulling my old ipad stand out...  Do we need to flood support with calls about this to get it fixed in a timely manner? I don't understand how this is not top priority? It really has me questioning what is going on behind the scenes at this company. Are they spreading themselves too thin? Anyone have insights?

Message 101 of 258

I thought about bringing my old stand out too!! Why did we pay all this money for the "upgraded" register just to have it be not as good as the stand. We lost many features too that we loved.


And that standing around, you described it perfectly. So, so uncomfortable! 

Message 102 of 258

I am curious to whom this issue has been elevated. The support person I am in communication with said they have no reports of this being an issue. I think we all need to contact someone or some department and let them know this is a serious problem. 

Message 103 of 258

There are numerous posts on delifferent threads about this very issue. This has impacted people on Android based Square Register for about a month on software later than 6.23. iOS users on Square Stands do not appear to be impacted. This is a software issue.

No amount of troubleshooting fixes this problem. Apparently, engineers are aware and are working on a resolution to fix their most expensive Square POS. The user can factory reset to go back to 6.23, but this only works until the POS auto updates. We can no longer turn off the POS to avoid updating, as the new update is forced as of 2 days ago.

These are the facts, so until this is resolved, and if it ever is, credit cards take twice as long to process, cash takes 3 times longer, and the interface is sluggish overall. So unless you want to factory reset every morning, there is nothing that can be done at this point unless Square starts taking this seriously.

Message 104 of 258

Stated perfectly.

Message 105 of 258