
(RESOLVED: 10/30.23) Last two updates have forced my cash drawer to reset!

The title of this thread has been edited by a Square Moderator from the original: "Last two updates have forced my cash drawer to reset!"


The last two small nightly updates have caused me to lose my open drawer history. I don't count my drawer every night and it is the definition of annoying since I can not verify my draw amount for errors. Is this going to be a regular issue with updates now? Or is this something unique to me?

Message 1 of 83
1 Best Answer
Square Community Moderator

Best Answer

Hey there, @javasprings and @vhovar - Thanks SO MUCH for reporting back here to let us know that things seem to be working correctly for you now, since the most recent update. I am so happy to hear it!! 🙌 ❤️

Could the other Sellers on this thread initiate the update and let us know if this resolves the issue for you as well?

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 81 of 83

SAME!!!!  I have 3 registers and this is getting annoying. Drawers close out at night and almost every morning the crew has to enter a new start drawer before they can even begin to work. THIS NEEDS FIXING!

Message 64 of 83
Square Community Moderator

Hey there @javasprings 


Have you tried our Square Register Troubleshooting guide?

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 65 of 83

Of course. All of it. .  Ive spent hours on here trying to find an answer and seems to me everyone having an issue is being ran in circles with no answers from support. NOTHING is beng done or fixed 

This is a HUGE problem within your system and seems it should be a top priority to fix  i know for me with 3 registers ending up with over 15 ended drawers and losts pay in/outs at the end of the week is becoming a very strong factor to look elsewhere for a pos system I can count on.

Message 66 of 83

Yup - We've had this problem since earlier this year. Was told they were aware, and other people were experiencing this, and they would get it fixed. The latest response I received was that it is intentionally designed this way, and we are supposed to close the drawer every day. Suddenly Square is determining when I should close drawers for my business. I can't imagine this is a complicated fix, so I'm stumped as to why they won't say the reason they are not fixing it.

Message 67 of 83

Yes, we have fought this issue for at least the past 5 months. I've talked with Support and reset my register multiple times. At times, it will behave as it used to but then within a day or so it will be back to forcing a restart. And because of the current way things are coded, if I have a hang on the register during the day and have to reset the system it will force a new drawer to be started, making it impossible for my opener to balance the drawer accurately in the morning due to the multiple drawers. I cannot understand why Square doesn't see this as an issue that needs fixed. The story about it being "designed this way" all depends on what support person you happen to get when talking with them. I've not seen any published statement from Square on this.
Yes, we are looking at other solutions, as painful as that may be. The total lack of Square acknowledgement and lack of willingness to address this has pushed us over the edge. Our automated month-end processing is totally screwed up the past several months because we can't rely on a valid drawer.

Message 68 of 83

This has also started happening to me again as well. My register shuts down randomly during the day, then resets the cash drawer to zero. I've had issues with balancing my til because of this.


I've also noticed that I am not always prompted to put in the cash amount when the reset happens, which is problem for balancing. I now have to make to check the balance even if not prompted or my cash amounts will not be correct.

I don't need to close the drawer every day as I am the only one using it.  I never used to have to do that before. If this is a new feature, it's not a great one. 

Message 69 of 83

Update: wrote to square again explaining nothing is helping.  Someone wrote back something that we have't tried yet that might have helped.  They said to disable the Customer Management Add-On in settings and then Add it back again.  We did this yesterday before we started our day and did not have the reset issue overnight.  Hopefully this fix will last.  Will update if it doesn't.  note: when disabling Customer Management, if you have a master account, it disables it in all locations it seems and on all devices and then each location needed to be turned on separately.  

Message 70 of 83

Did you mean the Cash Manaagment Add-on? I don't have a Customer Management Add-on on either my Register or i-Pad.

Message 71 of 83

Yes.  Cash Management.  BUT. It didn’t work.  I just got off an hour long call with square about this.  They are now requesting videos of us ending our drawer at night and having to put in the same information in the morning.  They then say they will have it escalated to engineering.  We will see. 

Message 72 of 83

As of today, they are blaming the auto reboot setting so we are turning this setting off tomorrow.

Message 73 of 83

Why a video, if this is a known issue, which is what they've told many of us?  Unless your problem is something unique?  Ours - like many others - just dumps our current drawer randomly when it does an update at night.  Some of them will show in 'Other Drawers', but we can't bring it back to make it the current drawer.

Message 74 of 83

Same problem, our drawer information is being lost overnight during the overnight reset/software update.  Wasn't an issue until v6.19.  The operator I talked to was back and forth with engineering for an hour while they tried to re-create the problem on their machines without success.  They wanted a video of me ending our drawer at the end of day and then re-starting drawer with whatever amount we were leaving for opening crew.  Then they wanted a video of the opener having to start the drawer again with the same information.  We keep our default start drawer at $150 so every morning, it reverts back to $150 instead of what was put in the night before.  This happens during the first transaction of the morning which is usually hectic so the information may or may not be being saved for the second time accurately.   Strange thing is it doesn't happen every night but does happen more often than not.  Happening in 2 different locations on 2 different Square Registers running Square POS.  This issue is not happening on my ipad registers which we keep at both locations as a secondary POS for when it's busy.

Message 75 of 83

Spent a while on the phone,  twice with tech and they told me today its a bug and being escalated to engineering. I hope its found and fixed soon. Ill post as I hear.

Message 76 of 83

I have this random issue with our square register.  Our hardware is set to reboot every night but it randomly reset the cash drawer to zero. 

Message 77 of 83

test update as of this am

Our Engineers are aware of this issue and are working to resolve it as quickly as possible. They will have a solution in place shortly. We did confirmation that the fix will be with the 6.28 app update. Please keep an eye out on your devices for this update as it will be available in the coming weeks. 

Message 78 of 83

Got a call from Tech and they said it was fixed with this last update. SO far so good on my end 🙂
Anyone else?

Message 79 of 83

Since one day last week the drawer has been back to "normal" such that we are not forced to start a new drawer and we are able to still put in Cash IN/OUT entries in the morning before closing the drawer. It is GREAT to have it back working. Let's hope it stays that way.

Message 80 of 83
Square Community Moderator

Best Answer

Hey there, @javasprings and @vhovar - Thanks SO MUCH for reporting back here to let us know that things seem to be working correctly for you now, since the most recent update. I am so happy to hear it!! 🙌 ❤️

Could the other Sellers on this thread initiate the update and let us know if this resolves the issue for you as well?

Community Moderator, Square
Sign in and click Mark as Best Answer if my reply answers your question.

Message 81 of 83

Ours has been several weeks now with no reset.  We've had periods of stability in the past, only to then start re-setting again, so we're holding our breath that this one holds moving forward.  But seems good right now.

Message 82 of 83

Same!  All good for a week or so now!

Message 83 of 83