
Using "Other Gift Card or Certificate" is double counting sales/profits

At my business I currently use paper gift cards as the Square plastic gift cards do not make financial sense for me at this time. When I sell them, I have an item in inventory "Gift Card" with different amounts that is used to charge the customer. 


When the receiver of the gift card comes in for a product or service and redeems the gift card, I use the "Other Gift Card or Certificate" option within Square POS to log the same. Up to this point everything functions as it should - however, when the transaction is closed out using "Other Gift Card or Certificate" it logs this as income/profit and shows up on my sales reports.


By its very nature a gift card is a no-profit tender. The income was recognized at purchase of the gift card, not at redemption of the gift card. So what I need to know is, is the "Other Gift Card or Certificate" option doing this in error and needs to be fixed? Or is this option functioning as designed and I need to stop using it? Having it log double income which means double taxation is a problem.


I'd love it if this could be fixed, or if there was a switch we could use to tell the software "don't log this as income". Otherwise my options are use a discount code to zero out each transaction, or run the reports and remember to edit them for my accountant each time. 


Please see the attached screenshots for clarity.



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HI, hopefully this previous Community Discussion will help.




The Square platform is designed to work with their Square eGift Cards or Square physical gift cards.  Using 3rd party cards need to be tracked manually.

Hope this helps.
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