
Square keeps disconnecting

We recently  purchased  a new contact less  square reader (second generation) after having trouble  with our previous one (first generation) it keeps disconnecting after a few minutes of not been in use. It also takes longer and longer to connect it back again up to 5min. This problem started happening after we updated our app about 3 months ago. 

Any ideas how to fix it?

Message 1 of 4
1 Best Answer

Best Answer

Thanks for reaching out about this @Lopez0718, and welcome to the community!

I just wanted to add a little to what @JK_Fiber_Art had mentioned. 

The 2nd Generation Square Reader has a built-in Stay Connected feature that aims to maintain connectivity, improve reliability, help save battery and eliminate the need to press the power button to re-pair the reader after a period of inactivity. So, from what you’re describing, it does sound like we would need to go back to basics on the troubleshooting to try to determine the cause and resolve the issue. 

Could you run through the troubleshooting steps here, and if the issue persists, try uninstalling and reinstalling the Square app? 

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Message 3 of 4

Hello Lopez0718,


Unfortunately the volunteer Community Members are not the same as Tech or Customer Support, there is quite a bit hands on experience with Square's Apps and Hardware.  In order possibly provide some thoughts, we need some more info.  Are talking Bluetooth or USB Connection with Stand, type of device (Apple or Android) and which App?  Does your device have the latest operating system version?  And are you using the latest Square App?  Also, do you have any other Apps open on your device while you are using it?   I'm guessing if you contacted Tech Support, they would ask similar questions so at least you'll be prepared if no one here has any thoughts.

Message 2 of 4

Best Answer

Thanks for reaching out about this @Lopez0718, and welcome to the community!

I just wanted to add a little to what @JK_Fiber_Art had mentioned. 

The 2nd Generation Square Reader has a built-in Stay Connected feature that aims to maintain connectivity, improve reliability, help save battery and eliminate the need to press the power button to re-pair the reader after a period of inactivity. So, from what you’re describing, it does sound like we would need to go back to basics on the troubleshooting to try to determine the cause and resolve the issue. 

Could you run through the troubleshooting steps here, and if the issue persists, try uninstalling and reinstalling the Square app? 

Message 3 of 4

Customer service just advised the best solution is to toggle Bluetooth and Location Services on/off with every transaction. We are not satisfied with this answer. It makes us look unprofessional to have to wait for the register every time we process a transaction.

Message 4 of 4