
Open Ticket Disappearing Before Closing Out

So at our bar we allow people to open tabs using the "Open Tickets" feature that Square offers. Most of the time it works well and is very easy to use. However, last night mid-service, some of the tickets we had open had disappeared without payment or anything of that matter. Typically this would happen after an edit to a customer's ticket was made (i.e. adding another beverage). 


Has anyone else experienced this? I can't tell if it's our own user error or if the system isn't working the way it's supposed to. There also was no way to search through past tickets which made the problem even harder to solve on the fly. I had tried to search through many parts of the system (transactions etc) to see if I could find the vanished tickets, but nothing had worked. 


This resulted in us having to abandon the feature entirely and hand write tabs for the duration of the evening which is very inconvenient at a high volume. If this persists, we may have to abandon Square altogether. 

Tags (2)
Message 1 of 2

I’m having a similar issue.  Item quantities are changing back to “one” when I open existing tickets.  If I had not caught this happening on a very large bill I could have potentially lost thousands of dollars.  We are going on 4 days of not being able to use open tickets and have received little to no communication from square support.

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