
On square stand only allows manual entry for credit card, no swipe or tap options.

Using square stand, the payment type defaulted to "Manual Credit Card Entry".  Which payment type do I choose to allow payment with credit card (swipe) or tap?

Message 1 of 4
Square Champion

Hello @Markouk !


Tap and Dip should be always enabled by default, so there may be something else happening here. Has your Stand always defaulted to the manual entry, or was tap and dip working before?


If it was working before, the first thing I'd check is that your point of sale app is fully updated and iOS is on its latest revision (17.6 as of yesterday). I recommend logging out of your point of sale before updating the iOS only because logging back in will force Square to pull all the latest information from their servers. Basically, a fresh load of the system without losing all your settings.


If it hasn't worked before or if after updating the tap and dip aren't available, there may be a hardware issue at play. I recommend contacting customer service. They may be able to offer a warranty replacement.

Ryan Wanner
Golden Pine Coffee Roasters
Colorado Springs, CO, USA

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Beta Tester: I break stuff.
he/him/hey you/coffee guy/whatever.

Happy Selling!
Message 2 of 4

We had bought the Stand 2 @ 6 months ago due to the all the hard wire/bluetooth connection issues with the contactless device using the Version 1 Stand. The new Stand worked fine with tap and dip payments until a few days ago, when the payment type switched to Manual Credit Card Entry and did not show any lighted area or allow for tap or dip, which became quite cumbersome to enter the card no., cvv, and expiration date for every sale at our restaurant.


For my current short-term solution, I bought and connected via USB a contactless payment device, which now allows tap and dip payments.  Therefore, either the stand is faulty or the POS or IOS needs to be updated.  I will update the software see if it corrects.  If no go, then I will contact Square about a faulty stand.

Thanks for your advice.

Message 3 of 4
Square Champion

@Markouk ;

On my stand I add the items to the checkout cart, Tap Tender.   Wait about 2-3 seconds and then the Green Light on my Square Bluetooth Reader lites up.  Then I let my customer know they can Tap or Dip their card.  If their card is older and only has the Magnetic strip, I run it through the reader.  This is for the Gen 1 White Square Stands. 

Here is a short video on the Version 1 Stands : Ver1 Stand Demo 


If you have the new Black/Grey version 2 stands, the Lights to Tap or Swipe should lite up too.  Then Tap dip or Swipe the card as needed.  The Default screen does show only to Manually enter if you Tap that box.  The other ways for Tap Dip and Swipe should be automatic in about 3-5 seconds after pressing Tender.

Here is a Shor video for Stand Ver2 start at about 1:40 for how to take payment : Stand 2 Payment 1:40 

Pocono Candle

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Square Support Number 855-700-6000.
Make Sure App and OS is up to date on your Device.
Message 4 of 4