
Importing Item Library Error Message

I've been trying in vain to import my item library using all of the steps described and I continually get one of two error messages.It either says, "There was an error uploading some of your items, please refresh the page or try again." OR I get an error message that says, "There are 100 errors with your document." Of course neither is helpful because it doesn't tell me what the specific error is. Any advice?

Message 1 of 17
1 Best Answer

Best Answer

okay, for anyone that needs it, through massive trial and error, i believe i discovered some of the problems that were inhibiting the import of my item library:


- always keep an unedited version of your original export from your item library. in case you make a mistake in the editing process, you can always go back to the original content.


- if you "freeze" the top row while editing, "unfreeze" it before you export from your spreadsheet program


- commas were actually not a problem for me in the document, as is suggested in some square troubleshooting pages.


- since i was replacing my entire library with my new library, i realized that i could delete the entire contents of the "tokens" column, since the tokens seemed to be giving my import some issues. (don't do this unless you're sure it won't screw things up for you)


- double check the character count in your columns, there are limits! you can find those limits in the link below. i had a couple descriptions that were over the limit. you can check your character counts by creating a new column (which will have to be deleted before export!!) type: "=len(X2)" into the top cell of that column, and plug the column letter of the cell you want to count into the place of "X". duplicate that formula down the entire column to get a count of all the characters in each cell.


- lastly, keep this link handy while editing your item library. if you're having trouble importing, go through this list step by step to make sure you're following the rules: https://squareup.com/help/us/en/article/5153-import-items-online


- this link was also helpful, but not as much as the one above: https://squareup.com/help/us/en/article/6172-import-item-library-troubleshooting


hope that helps someone save the hours i didn't, lol! 

View Best Answer >

Message 14 of 17

What browser are you using?  Are you uploading your library for the first time?  It is possible that you have some of the infromation in the wrong order.  The best way to make sure you have everything right it to enter one or two items manually so you can see the columns and the colomn headers are correct.   


If you still have issues you can PM me and send a link to your spreadsheet via google or something.

Message 2 of 17

I'm also having the same issue - a mixture of error messages indicating file problems (100 errors also), then just generic file upload issue.  We just completed physical inventory and need to get this file loaded ASAP.

Message 3 of 17

Have you tried uploading using the Chrome browser?

Message 4 of 17

Yes, I'm using Chrome.

Message 5 of 17

Sounds like you are just updating inventory counts correct?  or are you uploading new items?

Message 6 of 17

I'm replacing the entire library, Tokens removed so that it shouldn't struggle on matching names

Message 7 of 17

Even with Tokens left you shouldn't have an issue.  Are you uploading a csv or xls file.  I found csv works better.  I just uploaded mine with both Chrome and Safari with no issues.  Might have to contact support to check it out.

Message 8 of 17

Yup - currently on the phone with support.  Thanks!

Message 9 of 17

I am having issues importing the item library. My error reads that "items need names, update names and try again". All items in the Item Name column have names. I downloaded and tried to upload without making any changes and was given the same error in both CSV and Excel formats. Did all of the troubleshooting and even called but the person I spoke to has not bothered to update me or fix my account. Really fun doing business manually when paying for the app and not being able to use it. Manual entry of inventory takes over 5 clicks and is a royal pain. NOw I have spent the time updating my "catalog" and it won't update. Running out of hair to pull out.

Also, on another note, the "return" side of the app really needs help. It needs to allow returning of items as well as using receipt info. Not all returns have receipts and are in the time limit so returning an item to allow for sotre credit would be extremely helpful. I have to do this all manually.

Keep ironing out the wrinkles but get that item upload/import fixed ASAP!! Accuracy would be so nice.

Message 10 of 17

I'm sorry to hear about the trouble @TheMixingBowl.


Our Support Team will be able to look into this issue effecting your ability to import items. It sounds like you might be experiencing a glitch which isn't something that can be fixed overnight. Our Support Team should follow up with you by tomorrow morning. 


I'll make sure to share your feedback regarding refunds and returns! 🙂

Message 11 of 17

I am having the same problems as most in this thread. Just spent hours massively updating the entire library, mostly deletions of entire items. I received the error message, so I went to the troubleshooting list here https://squareup.com/help/us/en/article/6172-import-item-library-troubleshooting


and proceeded to follow the instructions there. 

- made sure the doc had the same exact name as the original exported doc

- removed all commas from the entire document

- removed all changes i made to categories (even though i made the same changes in the online library) just to be extra careful

- altered any items with the same names so they would be unique

- then got specific error messages that those items needed their names to match their variation, so out of exasperation, i just deleted them all together 

- the error message then reverted back to the original general error message

- tried importing as a .csv file


halp!? i had to shutter the doors to my physical shop because of covid-19 and trying to get my online store sorted. thank you!!

Message 12 of 17

additionally, just to see, i exported the library and then attempted to reimport the same, exact, untouched file. 


same error message.


so there must be something wrong with the way items are currently entered into the system? the system can work fine but when it comes to exporting and reimporting, whatever these issues are will stop the process?

Message 13 of 17

Best Answer

okay, for anyone that needs it, through massive trial and error, i believe i discovered some of the problems that were inhibiting the import of my item library:


- always keep an unedited version of your original export from your item library. in case you make a mistake in the editing process, you can always go back to the original content.


- if you "freeze" the top row while editing, "unfreeze" it before you export from your spreadsheet program


- commas were actually not a problem for me in the document, as is suggested in some square troubleshooting pages.


- since i was replacing my entire library with my new library, i realized that i could delete the entire contents of the "tokens" column, since the tokens seemed to be giving my import some issues. (don't do this unless you're sure it won't screw things up for you)


- double check the character count in your columns, there are limits! you can find those limits in the link below. i had a couple descriptions that were over the limit. you can check your character counts by creating a new column (which will have to be deleted before export!!) type: "=len(X2)" into the top cell of that column, and plug the column letter of the cell you want to count into the place of "X". duplicate that formula down the entire column to get a count of all the characters in each cell.


- lastly, keep this link handy while editing your item library. if you're having trouble importing, go through this list step by step to make sure you're following the rules: https://squareup.com/help/us/en/article/5153-import-items-online


- this link was also helpful, but not as much as the one above: https://squareup.com/help/us/en/article/6172-import-item-library-troubleshooting


hope that helps someone save the hours i didn't, lol! 

Message 14 of 17

Hey @spalermo-


Thanks for posting in the Seller Community and I am so sorry about this frustrating experience you had with importing your Item Library.


Looks like you located the Support Center articles to help with item import troubleshooting. I went ahead and best answered your most, because I think it has some brilliant additional advice.


Thanks again, and let us know if anything else comes up. Really appreciate you following up with what you learned from the trial and error. 

Message 15 of 17

Ok. I'm officially terrified. I'm about to transition from Weebly to Square Online, and I'm tech-challenged. I have a ton of items in my online store. I'm sure I will be referring to your post with links soon. I'll be sure to save a backup just in case. Thanks so much for the heads-up!

Message 16 of 17

Did anyone figure out how to fix it? I get the all items need names. 100 error message. 

Message 17 of 17