
Can you have a quantity associated with modifiers?

I am looking to see if you can choose multiple of 1 particular item in a modifier set.

Example. I sell a doz bagels and the customer wants 5 of them plain 5 sesame seed and 2 onion. Is there a way to allow this to happen.?

If not is there a way to have a comment box in the modifier set like if I was ordering on the i-pad.

Message 1 of 57
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You would select your item, Qty, and modifier.   So it would say 5 bagels on the line with a price and then under it Sesame seed,  you do it again only this time 5 bagels and no modifier, then 2 bagels with onion.   However, if you are baking plain, sesame seed, onion bagels and they are ready to grab and go and you are not adding sesame seeds at the time of order I would put them each in as an item and not with a modifier.   This way you can keep track of what you sell the most of easier.

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Message 2 of 57

Best Answer

You would select your item, Qty, and modifier.   So it would say 5 bagels on the line with a price and then under it Sesame seed,  you do it again only this time 5 bagels and no modifier, then 2 bagels with onion.   However, if you are baking plain, sesame seed, onion bagels and they are ready to grab and go and you are not adding sesame seeds at the time of order I would put them each in as an item and not with a modifier.   This way you can keep track of what you sell the most of easier.

Message 2 of 57

I am totally confused with your answer. I have the same question. But say 1 customer wants 3 t-shirts in 3 different sizes / colors. I have to do each one separate. Annoying.  How do I fix this. There is no option in creating modifiers for quantity. ?

Message 3 of 57
Square Community Moderator

Hi there, @Sifugary 👋 Thanks for reaching out to add your voice here. 


Just to make sure I am understanding your correctly here, when you say you need to "do them separately," are you referring to adding your items separately to a sale, or rather creating a modifier for each individual modified item?


For clarification sake, when items are added to a sale with specific modifiers, you will need to add them individually!


I will keep a look out for your reply!

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 4 of 57

we have a problem with this as well.  We have crew socks for sale online.  within crew socks we have a variation of small, medium, large and xlarge sizes.  With each of those we have a modifier tied to colors like red, green and blue.  I would like to be able to have our inventory reflect the purchase of a red, large, crew sock.  It does not appear that the inventory can reflect the purchase of a red, large, crew sock.  It can reflect the purchase of a large crew sock, but not by the color modifier as well.  Is there a way to do this?

Message 5 of 57

we are all basically looking for a way to manage inventory within the modifiers that we add to products. We want to be able to quantify the amount of stock we have of each modifier. For example, if we list 10oz pies, with the modifiers (cherry, apple, and blueberry) how can we say that we only have 2 cherry pies in stock. Or 4 apple pies in stock? 

Message 6 of 57

@les-alpaca @ByEmBee


I definitely see how this would be helpful for the type of items you're selling. Unfortunately, modifiers can't have a quantity associated with them right now. To keep a count of inventory, you'd want to create a separate item for each modifier that needs to be tracked/only has a certain amount of its kind.


If this changes down the road we'll definitely share an update.

Beta Community Manager, Square
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Message 7 of 57



Are you with square?  If so, is there a way for this request/feature to be elevated with Square?  It seems like this is a common problem for a lot os Square users out here.  Please let us know if there is a way for us to make an official request for this.  Thanks for your response.

Message 8 of 57
Square Community Moderator

Hi there, @les-alpaca 👋 Thanks for reaching out to us here on the Seller Community! We are happy to have you.


I can step in for Nika on this one. Yes! - we are Community Managers here at Square. A helpful tip for identifying us - if there is a small Square Logo next to the community avatar photo, that will indicate that profile belongs to a Community Manager or member of our Product Team! More on this here


In regards to your request of this feature, we can confirm that our Product Teams are actively monitoring this thread in hopes to implement this feature soon. While we don't have an accurate timeline to share just yet, we will be sure to bounce back here and announce when we have new information to share. Thanks for your patience!

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 9 of 57



Thank you very much for the response.  Implementing this feature will be a huge help both for us and our customers as they order from our online site as they will be able to choose items in a much more granular and easier to understand way.  I also think there are many others out there that need this feature.  Obviously the sooner the better as we are building out our inventory and pages as we speak.  Hopefully this is not a terribly difficult thing to do.  We would be very open to testing if that is necessary along the way.  Thanks again.

Message 10 of 57
Square Community Moderator

Got it. Thanks for giving even more context to this, @les-alpaca! Your requests help us build a better product! Thanks again 📈🍻🙏

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 11 of 57

We sell our product and clients can add drink, dessert and such but if they want more that one they can't. Lets say they buy 12 empanadas, they only can choose to add 1 drink through the modifier and I were to create a different modifier then they don't have the choose freely if the want one of each or all the same of the same drink. 

Are you guys working on something like this?

Message 12 of 57

This is a must-have for us.  Currently, to add extra of a topping, we're having to tack an extra line item, with quantity, on to a customer order, separate from the item it goes on.

Modifiers — like for extra shots of espresso, extra pumps of syrup, or extra scoops of popping tapioca pearls — are an absolute necessity.

Lucky Straws Boba Tea Cafe
13750 W. Colonial Drive • Suite 260 • Winter Garden, FL
407-877-BOBA (2622)
Message 13 of 57
Square Community Moderator

Hey @cdutari & @LSBWG


Adding an item as a modifier would be a Feature Request right now. I will go ahead and tag this for our Product Team. I appreciate you taking the time to reach out with your feedback. This helps us continue to evolve our products to fit seller needs. 


Have a great day 👋!




Community Moderator, Square
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Message 14 of 57

My coffee company also needs this capability.  If a customer wants 3 sweetener packs in coffee, we have select the type of sweetener and then scroll down to notes to let the barista know that this customer wants 3 packs of that type of sweetener.  Long lines, trying to eliminate typing and extra steps.  Thanks for anything you can do. 

Message 15 of 57


Can you give some kind of idea of a usual development cycle or timeframe on features like this?  We're fast-approaching two years since this was suggested.

How long does it typically take to code something of this sort?  Is it actually actively being worked on, or just being 'considered' when so many people need this to better and more efficiently track their inventory and sales?

Lucky Straws Boba Tea Cafe
13750 W. Colonial Drive • Suite 260 • Winter Garden, FL
407-877-BOBA (2622)
Message 16 of 57
Square Community Moderator



I don't have an exact timeframe or update on this Feature Request.


There are numerous factors our Product Team has to consider before starting the feature implementation. I appreciate your patience while they work through their process. 

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 17 of 57

You posted in April there was no way to quantitize modifiers.  Has there been any updates on this?  We have need of modifier quantities for our business in a number of settings.


Here are a few examples:

Customer orders a coffee and needs 3 sugars and 2 creamers.  At present we have a 1 creamer modifer, 2 creamer modifier, 3 creamer modifier, etc.

we also have a modifier for 1 sugar, 2, etc.


Another customer may order a latte with 3 extra shots of espresso.  We have modifiers with 1 extra shot, 2 extra shots, etc.


We have these numerous modifier buttons if a customer orders any extra item on their food or drink.  It would be so helpful to be able to simply have the option to add quantities to a modifier.  Thanks.

Message 18 of 57

Our donut shop has been in square for 5yrs. We simply want customers to be able to choose a dozen donuts and in the modifiers select 3 chocolate donuts, 4 sugar donuts, 5 glazed. With the pandemic ongoing and freezing temps ahead the ability to order online needs to match the way they order in-store. This is critical MUST HAVE. I’m surprised Square seems to be dragging their feet on this feature. The need is there and it’s been repeated over and over in this thread and there’s far more people out there needing this feature that are not bothering to post. This is a dealbreaker for us and we will be jumping ship from Square if this is not resolved within the month. I just can’t accept that a massive company such a Square can’t tailor this simple feature to the customer demand. It’s a shame because I actually really like square and it’s other features. You need to adapt to the times or customers will find solutions elsewhere. 

Message 19 of 57

Same boat.  Any updates?

Message 20 of 57

Nothing.  Apparently it's not important enough. Yet the fees go up.  We got all these 'new' features and not one of them helps ME any.  I have a membership based business. I don't retail.  Maybe time to start comparing with other options?  I don't know.

Message 21 of 57