
Up date the Quantity for Sell By Units when Scanning more than 1

Square Champion

Up date the Quantity for Sell By Units when Scanning more than 1

The Sell By units should default to the Number 1 for Items with a sku or barcode.  You have a sell by units feature that the business sets up Quantities for.  This works great for tracking inventory.  As you see below and in the Link Square says this feature is working as designed, "This is working as intended because with multiple units defaulting to a quantity is difficult ".

The problem is that Us business owners take the time to for example put in Square that 1 Beer  = 1 Beer   a 6 Pack = 6 Beers a case = 24 Beers and a 30 Brick = 30 Beers for example.  Each item has its own SKU.  So if I scan a 6 Pack why on the system does it not just pull up that I scanned 1 6 pack per MY sku?  We as the Business owners end user have already assigned a SKU to the quantity and have already assigned that sku to the Sell By Units Feature.  If I put in Square for Retail the sku for a Case, Square asks me How many cases, why can't Square just put 1 in and if we sell 2-1000 we adjust the quantity like any other Item in Square?  So may I ask the Design team what is the difference if I scan in a case and the quantity is BLANK and I enter 1, or if I scan in a Case and the default is 1?


So I have a candle business and buy taper buy the case qty (144), each case has 12 packs of 12 Tapers, and I also sell the Tapers individually.  Each Qty has it's own Barcode (SKU).


So the Desired result would be:

1) I scan the barcode on 1 Taper --- 1 taper is rung up on Square POS

2) I Scan the Barcode on 12 Pack of Tapers --- 1 -- 12 Pack of tapers is rung up so I do not have to physically enter the number 1.  I already know there is 1 since I just SCANNED it. 

3) I scan the Barcode for a Case-- 1 Case of said Item is Rung up on Square POS, again I just scanned it the customer brought it to the register, so there is at least 1 case here.


Now for any Barcode, IF I scan it multiple Times, Qty increases for the sale.  Just like when there is NO Sell buy Units recorded for an item.  This is how it works for all the candles I make in house.  I scan it once,  1 candle in Cart....... scan it 5 times ..... 5 Candles in cart.    

So if I scan 5 Barcodes of Packs of Tapers it should put I scanned 5 Packs of said Barcode.   The math as the design team is stating has already been imputed by me as 1 pack = 12 Candles as per the different Barcode (SKU).    When you go to Walmart and scan 3 rolls of 12 packs of Toilet Paper, does the scanner as you after the 1st one How many packs of TP do you have or does it enter 1 - 12 pack of TP.... scan 2nd pack..... OH LOOK ---- 2 Packs of TP..... or will it ask hey how many of these do you have again?    


Not understanding how if I scan a barcode Square assumes there are 0 and I am asked for How many.  If I scan it I have at minimum 1, the 1 I just scanned.  Why can't we get the same ADJUST quantity screen / popup whatever you want to call it for adjusting a Single Item and For Adjusting a Sell by Quantity.   I would really like to know who the Manger of this Project was that thought for Square for Retail (in Person sales) that a person is going to come to the Register with a case of NOTHING as a Quantity?  Even some online Shopping Carts automatically put a Quantity of 1 in when you view an item and press ADD to Cart.  Its not like you go to your Cart and every item in that Cart has a Quantity of 0 and you have to put in each Quantity of 1.  Or am I just too old for this Technology thinking when a Person wants to buy something, weather it is 1 item, a Pack of Items or a Case of Items they would still want at LEAST 1 of them?   I never had a customer walk up to my register and order 0 Dozen packs of Candles in the Red color and ask how much will that be?  That would be great since I could have no inventory. 

Here is a video showing the Difference between scanning 1 taper and a Pack of 12.


As you can see in the attached Video, they are different.  For a single item straight forward no issue adding more, for the Pack of 12, I had to look..... WHY are these Different, both are adjusting the Quantity in the Checkout Cart???



Yes I know this sounds sarcastic for the examples and my explanations, but the Engineering team seems to need it explained this way, like I am explaining it to a child that has never been to a retail counters checkout.



From this link:


1 Verified Answer
Verified Answer

Re: Up date the Quantity for Sell By Units when Scanning more than 1

Thanks for sharing this feedback @Candlestore! We will share this with the relevant team and iterate on the experience for scanning items with sell-by units. You're right, the behavior should be consistent across all items whether they're individual items or multi-packs. In this case it looks like the pack quantity is being treated like a weighed item (measured in lbs, etc.), which is why you're being prompted to enter a custom amount, whereas we should simply default to 1.

6 Replies

Thanks for sharing this feedback @Candlestore! We will share this with the relevant team and iterate on the experience for scanning items with sell-by units. You're right, the behavior should be consistent across all items whether they're individual items or multi-packs. In this case it looks like the pack quantity is being treated like a weighed item (measured in lbs, etc.), which is why you're being prompted to enter a custom amount, whereas we should simply default to 1.

I second this. I'm using square in a liquor store setting and I've got things like packs of cigarettes/cartons, 50ml bottles and 10 packs, bottles and cases, singles 6 packs and 30 packs all that would be great to set up as different units so that I can track the inventory as 1 item, but that whole can't set the quantity to 1 is a severe problem. And when the register has to be as fast as possible entering that number isn't an option. 

Square Community Moderator
Status changed to: Has Product Insight
Square Champion

@_Violet ;

Glad to hear this has product insight now.  But never understood why my item would be treated as a weighted item according to @Harsh-SqProduct.  I have been reluctant to add more products using this feature until I can scan a Barcode and it shows as one item that is not being calculated as a weighted item for me to add the Quantity.  Some employees say well there are 12 candles in the box when we are actually only selling 1 Box of candles.  So I believe when we as a retail operation scans a barcode it should be assigned as default of 1 item in that Quantity and price that we setup in our back office of Square Dashboard.

Following. This will help on purchasing & inventory also. I purchase cigars. Vendors sell cigars by the box, not the piece. I order 5 boxes of cigars with 20 cigars each. Most customers buy cigars individually and occasionally by the box. The box and cigars have separate sku's, but do impact each others inventory.

@CRoom This is how I have beer set up at our store. People don't usually buy by the case. I have different units set up for each pack size. Sometimes they will have different barcodes. I think the feature request here could be solved by having a default quantity attached to a unit/barcode so it automatically adds it to the cart without setting a quantity.


On top of that, it would be great if we were able to switch the quantity or the unit/pack size when you click on the item in the cart. I've found that once you put a unit with a quantity in the cart it won't allow you to switch the unit/pack size for some reason. The only way to get to the desired unit/pack size is to re-enter it by using the search function. If we could switch the unit after it was entered in the cart. We would be able to scan the most purchased pack size of the thing without having to do any menuing while also being able to switch to a less common unit/pack size if we need to.