
Return without Receipt - how is this not solved?!

Return without Receipt - how is this not solved?!

Threads dating back to 2018 and still no ability to return without a receipt for Square POS. Unacceptable. Many responses to previous threads showing how to return to a gift card with receipts... absolutely missing the point that retailers that have had transactions before implementing square POS have no ability to issue refunds to their customers - I understand the credit card company issue, however, cash refund should be allowed to be processed by retailers at their own discretion! Infuriating. 

6 Replies

This feature is currently available in beta testing under the "Unlinked Refunds" testing group. It's currently accepting new testers if you visit the beta group and request entry.

I agree. The fact that as retail businesses we cant do returns/exchanges without a linked transaction is unacceptable. 

Square Champion

@bubblenfizz ;

You can do Refunds without a receipt now with the Square for Retail version.

Press Transacations at the Bottom of the Screen, then choose Unlinked refund.


@Candlestore I have square for retail (basic) on a Square Register (fully up to date). As of today there is no "Unlinked Refund" option sadly 

Square Champion

@bubblenfizz ;

I have Square Stands using the Ipads and once I tap the Transactions at the botton center, I get the screen pictured.  I am not sure why there are differences between Hardware, but between Basic and Plus might be a reason for the difference.... IDK



@Candlestore Yea, that button is not on the Square Register... Not sure if its a hardware difference or Retail/Retail Plus difference... I can't justify the $89 for retail plus.