In a thread with another seller, we hit upon what we think is a great idea to make discounts more useful. FYI, this idea might also apply to online coupons, though I haven’t really delved into that. Here’s the scenario that the seller has.
They have an employee discount that is different depending on item category. In this example, all merchandise is discounted at 50% and all wine is discounted at 60%. Right now the only way to make this work is to scroll to the bottom of each item added and choose the right discount for that item. Yes, this provides the functionality, but it is prone to error and makes the checkout process more time consuming.
Our idea is to expand the use of discount rules. Currently, those rules only apply for automatic discounts. It would be great if those rules could also apply to manual discounts added to a check. Here’s the flow I imagine for an employee who is having a big party:
I think the benefit is pretty clear. This eliminates the need to scroll to the bottom of each item and select the discount. It “groups” items for discounts, showing the effect of all discounts at the bottom of the check. And, best of all, this is functionality that already exists for discounts. The only new “feature” being proposed is to expand the use of that functionality from “automatic” to both “automatic” and “manual” discounts.
Lastly, I’ll add that obviously this would apply to both item and category based discounts, but it could also apply to quantity based discounts, as well. (Ie - BOGO).
PS - here’s a link to the thread where @RoadHazard and I were discussing this based upon their original question.
PPS - I know that there have been a lot of feature requests for discounts/coupons over the past few years, because I’ve submitted more than a few of those. Hopefully, if work has started on those others, this could be slipped in there, too! 😏😝
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