Beta Member

Shipping and Online Sales with additional Locations

So this question is for businesses that Ship  AND have more than one Location.

SURELY there is someone else with this issue and surely there is a fix -- if not we will be forced to leave Square .....   We are not a large boutique business (but are 2 locations are significantly geographically seperated) so we have to limit inventory!   The way Square has things set up for having 2 locations apparently forces the Online sales to draw from one location's inventory or the other.   So when someone tries to purchase , online for shipping, an item that is not available at one of the locations the customer is unable to purchase even if the item is available at one location.


I understand the potential issue (and Square's need for programming a workaround) for drrawing online purchases from one location or another but surely there is a way to just have the various locations inventories combined for online purposes -- that way we can ship form the location that has inventory.


If there are no options / alternatives then we will have to leave Square (that will be a lot of work but necessary)

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