
Selling digital files that are automatically emailed to purchaser.

Selling digital files that are automatically emailed to purchaser.

I would like to see a feature on square.

I would like to sell downloadable digital files, where an automated email goes out with the file link right after check out.  I would be able to have one more way to have sales in my business.  I am a hypnotist and don't have a way to sell digital files through my website.  I don’t know how to sell digital files through square.  


You have to manually email the link. Thats the problem. I'm looking for something a little more automated and secure. Shopify has it. I believe even Weebly has the option! But not Square. 

your competitors are leaving you in the dust and I'll be switching as soon as I'm able. 

@scduregger I wanted to mention an app our team has built to solve this problem. Bitship will automatically deliver files to your customers when they make a purchase of one of your digital items. It works with Square Online, Checkout Links, etc... 

For others that come across this thread I'd like to mention an app our team built called Bitship. It was purpose built to make digital file delivery for Square users a breeze. Bitship can automatically deliver digital files to your customers when they make a purchase from your Square Online site, or via checkout links. 

still not a feature? trying to read through the thread but it’s also a few years old. i’d like to send digital files in the payment confirmation email

I don't understand how square/weebly doesn't offer this as a standard feature... in the online community it's simply standard for a digital download to be made available to you after you've purchased it. for me to have to manually send customers their digital product is absurd. imagine my product actually doing the numbers I hope it does- I will get fired from my day job because I'll be constantly sending out emails with my own 2 thumbs, OR I'll just be unprofessional & slow down their creativity/workflow by having to send them their product after my work day is over.


very frustrating that I spent a week building a website only to find this out once getting my products up. I would have been better off using any other e-commerce platform.

any update on this, Square?? It has been SIX YEARS that we've been BEGGING for this feature, a feature any mid level software engineer could implement within 2 weeks at MOST. I'm truly baffled there has been no update on this. 


If it comes down to the cost of paying for storage, I can only speak for myself, but I would be more than willing to pay extra for the cost of storage to finally be done with this headache. (Mind you, storage is so incredibly cheap, but I'll leave that be.)


Would LOVE to finally see this feature be implemented this year. If it isn't, I will unfortunately be jumping platforms. 


@eofit same I’ll be moving within the next 3 months. It’s an absolute nightmare to use third party apps to help with this too. I love square but I NEED this feature. 

I am now setting up all of my classes as online events. I add the link to class in the set up. I could also use that as a link to where they can get a file on Google Drive. That is the only workaround I have right now. 

I got so tired of all the emailing of zoom invites and photos and files and video links and making sure everyone got my emails and telling them to check their junk and add me to their trusted contacts, that I gave up and now all of my paint-alongs are exclusively on my Patreon. Now they just have to join my Patreon to attend any, and then have access to the video post afterwards. Yeah, it's an 8% cut to Patreon, but so far it's been worth it.
I still agree Square should have done this feature years ago and they still should. They're probably waiting for all of us to come up with our own workarounds or to give up entirely. 🙄

Block really has lost quite a bit of business by not listening to the requests of their users. Features we’ve been requesting for years come standard with other companies. 


Other companies are hiring developers while BLOCK cuts staffing…. Too bad My stocks (i don’t have many) are showing a loss and I can’t sell them off when i move my processing, invoicing, payroll, and email marketing in a few weeks. 🤷🏻‍♀️