
Selling digital files that are automatically emailed to purchaser.

Selling digital files that are automatically emailed to purchaser.

I would like to see a feature on square.

I would like to sell downloadable digital files, where an automated email goes out with the file link right after check out.  I would be able to have one more way to have sales in my business.  I am a hypnotist and don't have a way to sell digital files through my website.  I don’t know how to sell digital files through square.  


This feature is SO long past due and I'm so frustrated. I've been manually sending out every single file for THREE years now, which is horrifically annoying and absurdly error-prone. The only thing keeping me on Square right now is the straight up pain in the A it would be to up and move to another payment platform. It is SUCH a simple fix to allow an attachment to the order confirmation, or at the very least allow us to customize emails for each item sold, as opposed to one mass "customize this super general email that gets sent out no matter what people buy."


This is honestly embarrassing that this feature doesn't exist yet. Square, fix this.

Square Community Moderator

I understand and empathize with your frustration, @eofit. I genuinely acknowledge the importance of this feature for businesses like yours.

We are continuing to push for this given the large amount of feedback this request receives. Rest assured, once we can share more we will post an update on the Seller Community.

It’s amazing that you all can come out with all of these are the features and things you can charge us additionally for, but you can’t do something as simple as this. 

I would really love the feature for square to automatically be able to send an attachment once a customer submits their email in a pop up or even purchases something digital. you see this all the time on websites. i.e if im selling a guide or ebook, the person buys it and you can automatically link within the settings of that item for the buyer to receive the attachment once purchased. same thing for emails in exchange for freebies- im sure lots of online businesses (or even in person) would love the feature you see typically where you're prompted to put in your email in exchange for a free ___ ("guide," recipes, coupon for example) and square could automatically send them it. Im surprised this isn't already available since online businesses are so popular now and without this option its so limiting for us, everything would have to be manually sent. 

I have just read through every single post on this thread dating back from the past 3 years hoping for some form of a fix or creative workaround and I have to say I am absolutely appalled (and quite hopeless at this point) at the fact that this is still an ongoing issue. This is one of the simplest requests that has been pending for YEARS for the convenience of online business owners, why is there at LEAST not an option for a customizable confirmation page/email per item?


In my opinion its nearly impossible for an online business to efficiently be operating solely under square's site with this issue. It's unacceptable to have to manually send digital purchases and quite frankly it looks incredibly unprofessional. If I knew this would be a problem before dedicating hours and weeks into setting everything up, I would have considered else where.


Please square listen to your angry customers for such an easy and quick fix. We don't need you to store our files, we don't even really need you to send our files, at the very least we need customization where we can attach a link or even redirect to a different page after confirmation. I'm incredibly disappointed there has been no update to such a major operation standstill even after the countless square representatives replying to us that its been passed off and worked on. I really hope there WILL be updates soon and I truly commend the existing online sellers who have been enduring such an inconvenience thus far. 

@essholistic I wanted to mention my companies app (Bitship) that can solve this problem with a few clicks. We have launched a free plan as well to make it easy for Square Sellers to automate the delivery of digital goods to their buyers.

@Bitship We should not need to pay a third-party provider for a feature that should be a basic function of the service we're already buying from Square. I applaud you for filling a needed niche, but it's unacceptable that Square doesn't provide it themselves.

Beta Member

This would greatly help my business & save me so much time. I offer certificates that go with certain purchases & making a listing that allows them to request & download without me having to stop what I am doing & making time to send out emails.

I have been waiting over a year to be able to offer instant downloadable products. This lack of support has me shopping around at other sites that offer it. Just a shame that every other site I've looked at has that feature but Square does not.


any word on when this is coming? I'm seeing that people have been asking for this since 2017z


@scduregger Welcome to the Seller Community! Square allows you to sell digital products on your site and customers will receive a link to the file that they purchased. Hopefully this helps with what you're looking for!