Beta Member

Self-serve QR code ordering bug

We've been looking into the QR code self serve ordering option for our business, but while trying it out we ran into a few issues that are currently preventing us from going live with it. 


The first one is the automatic tipping. I LOVE that it exists and that we get to set what those amounts are. The issue we ran into is if you also have the keep a tab open option on (they don't pay until they say they are done ordering), when you go to the interim "check out" screen that shows how much you're adding to your bill but not actually checking out, there is no visible line item for tip, but that amount is calculated in the total. I forgot to take a screenshot but the test example that happened to me was I placed an order for a $2 drink, and our setting have that automatic tip to be $1. On the screen it showed the $2 drink, $0.11 tax, then a total of $3.11. As a user I would be super sketched out if my total wasn't actually adding up. For the sake of testing I went through the process then after a while actually closed my tab. On that final check out screen there was a line item for tip plus the option to change it, so then it made sense to me. But again as a user I would be hesitant to even put in an order if the item added was inflated and there was no line item about why. I think it would be best to just not calculate the tip in the total at all until they close their tab, since it's up to the customer to choose whether they will tip and how much anyway.


The second issue I ran into is most likely a bug but I have a pixel phone running android, and I have my (built with Square) website as an app shortcut on my home screen (not sure if that's a thing on iPhones, but basically I can just make any website a shortcut from my home screen and it appears as an app with an icon and everything). The day after I was testing QR code ordering, I went to just open my website home screen and it brought me back to that final page after closing out my tab yesterday. That was fine, whatever, so I clicked into the logo to bring me back to my home page and it did for a split second, then it reloaded the checkout screen again. I tried a few more times with the same issue. I even opened it up in chrome and it still took me back to that same checkout screen. I deleted the short cut, refreshed the chrome page, then was finally able to actually get back to my home screen and re-add the shortcut. I'm sure this issue will be incredibly rare because that would require someone with a phone capable of making those shortcuts AND also having our website as one of those short cuts, and then also utilizing QR code ordering, THEN wanting to just go to our website later. Nonetheless, I wanted to share it with y'all because if it happened to me I bet it will or has happened to someone else. And I'm sure I could have just cleared the cookies or cache or something else to solve the issue more quickly, but I know most people wouldn't think like that and also that they would put very little time trying before giving up, so I wanted to find a solution that someone who might not know much about technology might try. 


I'm more than happy to give more details or hop on a call with someone if needed! I did take a screen recording of the second issue that I could send as well to show the checkout loop I was stuck in. 


Cheers! Katie

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