
Item image change when selecting a specific variation

Item image change when selecting a specific variation

For Square Online, when selecting a specific variation, it does not show the uploaded image for that specific variation, it continues to show one or all. It would be helpful if the item image would update based on the customers variation selection. 


Did you get a response or find a way to make this work for Square Online? I uploaded many images to variations and none of them show up when a customer selects a variation. 

+1 to this, very frustrating especially considering we have the ability to upload images for the variations, the system knows which is which. 

This is very frustrating for sellers and customers when you have many variations. When they select a variation from the dropdown, it should show them only the variation. Otherwise how do they know the item they are getting? My items are similar with slight variations yet important enough to make a difference to someone. If square cannot show only the variation images what is the point of allowing us to upload those images?