
How to get star rating from reviews to show up on item tiles without having to click the item

I have items set up as tiles (I think that's what it is called). Customers click on a category (Soap), then all the various soap items show up as tiled photos with the name and prices. Customers can only see the rating of the products if they click on each item. If every item has reviews/ratings, they have to click on each item to see what the star rating is along with the review comments. Is there a way to get the "star rating" to show up on the tile so customers can see those ratings without having to click each item?

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Square Community Moderator

Thanks for posting, @OnLineSeller


This is not a current feature, but thanks so much for this request. In order to appropriately send these to our product teams we’d love it if you'd submit this request on our Ideate page for Square Online. Our team monitors these boards and we triage them to measure need. You can search the boards to see if this has been requested before and add your use case if so!


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