
Hide images on item pages

Hi all,


To my mind this should be really simple, but I can't find anywhere how to turn off the images (or "image gallery" as it seems to be called) on item pages.


In other words, if I want just a text description for an item, no photo, no image gallery, how can I turn it off?


I've tried uploading a white pixel but the huge placeholder still appears, and no matter where I look, I can't find an option to simply turn off images!


Thanks in advance for any help.

Message 1 of 2
Beta Member

I just went through the online settings and I can find anyway to do it either.

I think the old online store had that option, but not with weebly.


My guess is, they assume people will add images for items sold. 

I guess in marketing theory, photos sell more products. 


The services page on the website displays services without photos, but I doubt that would work for you. 

It's just to create appointments, but gives that look.


Is Weebly your main website or do you have another site for your business info?


The only other way I can think to do this is to create a new webpage with text and buttons that you would have to create for each item individually and use checkout links for people to purchase. If you don't have a lot of items and don't change them often, it might be worth the time to set it up. 


I do find it strange that there's no option to just not have a photo. We're a photography company, so I just never thought about it, but I could see there being a need for this for some situations. 


What specifically are you selling that you don't want images for?

Or is it just to fit more items on one page?

If you can give me some details, it might spark some other thoughts.

Message 2 of 2