
Feature Request: Track inventory on modifiers

Feature Request: Track inventory on modifiers

The title of this post has been edited from the original: Tracking Modifiers in Inventory


One of the things I sell are archery bows.  When I sell a bow, it comes with a bowstring.  I also sell individual bowstrings.  I track inventory for bows AND bowstrings.  At the end of the day, I would like to see the TOTAL number of bowstrings out of my inventory (strings that went out wilh each bow + the strings sold individually).

The only way I've seen to do this are 1) "sell" a string with each bow, reducing the price to $0.00, or 2) attach a modifier to each bow that has the proper size bowstring automatically attached.  Option 2 would work best for me because I would eliminate employees forgetting to perform the steps in option 1, however I cannot find a way to accurately track my bowstring inventory while employing option 2.

Any suggestions?

98 Replies

@rgvvapes - Agreed that it's a bummer. ๐Ÿ˜• We would love for you to stick around, but totally understand you moving in a different direction to do what's best for you business in the meantime. We always appreciate the feedback and we will definitely update this thread if we hear of anything! 



I sell Italian Ice and would love to know a little bit more about how you use square? If you have any tips or tricks for me I am all ears!


Here is my email if that is easier for you!



Square is amazing for any type of Shaved Ice stand we use the square stand with printer my best advice is download the square register app on an iPad and play around with it. It is a free app there is a lot of help info online if need help setting it up

Here is a screen shot to help you out.


Create your item "Metroid Shirt" like I did here "Car Care Basic"  In the Price and Inventory section "Add Variations" (bottom left button.  Each size will be a variation.  You can set the SKU price and stock level of each variation.  In the Square app you will see one item and when you click on it you will be asked to choose a size.  On the Square online store, it will give you a drop-down menu to select your size option.


Hope that helps


Screen Shot 2017-09-07 at 7.39.09 AM.png

The title of this thread has been edited from the original: Inventory on Modifiers

Is there a way to track inventory on Modifiers? I do a lot of custom work and I would rather track the inventory on the modifier side rather than the item itself. 

While you can't track inventory with a modifier you can track how many have been sold with the modifier report. 

We run a small pub and I am trying to figure out if there is a way to have modifiers come out of Inventory.  Example: We sell a hamburger, Select modifiers such as bacon and cheese.  Is there a way for the bacon and cheese and bun to come out of the inventory?  I know it will take a hamburger out of the iventory as it is the main item, but I would like it to take a bun out and the modifiers out for each sandwich we sell. 


This reply was created from merging an existing thread: โ€œFood Inventory Helpโ€. The original author has been notified via email.

Hello @BobbyHowe


This is a great question that's currently a feature request. I went ahead and merged your thread with an existing one. Check out Tom's answer at the top of this thread. It includes a workaround from another Square Seller!

that's the same screen shot.....

and it doesn't help...