Beta Member

Customers says they placed order but it didn't come through

We just put our store live on Monday but we've had two cases where a customer said they placed an order but the order doesn't exist in our system. In one of those cases, the customers had successfully placed an order that came through properly the day before. I'd just chalk this up to user error but the fact that it worked for one use one day and not the next is concerning. And, the fact that it has affected 10% of our 20 orders so far is also concerning. Have other people seen this issue?

Message 1 of 3
Square Champion

Hello @efficiondave 


I have seen this issue here and there with my online store as well. It really does look like it comes down to user error unfortunately.


Many times I've seen times where the customer is too impatient to wait for the site to fully load and tries to add an item to the order. If the item uses a required modifier, it can be added to the cart, stopping the checkout process. The customer thinks they're done, puts their phone away, and no order is printed. Ughhhh.


I've also seen times where the customer hits the checkout button on the page and thinks they're done--not going through the actual card entry phase. This is probably what the problem has been you're seeing.


Best thing to do is constantly tell everyone to get all the way through the checkout process until they get to a "Thank you for your order" type of screen. As people get used to the online experience, these issues should fade away. At least it has for me.


Hope this helps!

Ryan Wanner
Golden Pine Coffee Roasters
Colorado Springs, CO, USA

Square Champion: I know stuff.
Beta Tester: I break stuff.
he/him/hey you/coffee guy/whatever.

Happy Selling!
Message 2 of 3

We had this issue with one customer multiple times. We FINALLY figured out that Square sometimes sends a "confirmation" that they agree to allow square to run their info. The customer assumes this notification means their order went though but in all actuality it's a security measure to charge them. If they don't read it and click it to confirm then you will not get paid and the customer assumes they paid you. 


In this case we finally asked the customer if she could look at her bank statement and confirm if the funds came out as well as forward us the confirmation she received .... and BINGO, she was not charged and the text confirmation she received was to confirm it was actually her using square online.

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