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Checkout Page is in blank/without information

Hi! I don´t know why the page is blank whenever I want to proceed to checkout.


Can someone help me here?



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Message 1 of 3
Beta Member

Hi Wiseanttech_M,


Thanks for posting your link - not sure exactly what the problem is however, I did notice something interesting - I tried the link and did get a blank screen as you stated.   I then cleared my web browser's cache, history, temp files, etc. and revisited your site, selected a different item, added it to the cart and proceeded to the checkout - everything appeared to work fine.  The one thing I found was that there was a difference in the URLs that display the product in the cart.


This is the URL you posted:  https://www.texaszencompany.com/it-will-all-work-out#checkout 


Below are the URLs that I tested:






Notice the difference - the ones I tested have a bit more detail.  Not sure why at this point why the URLs are different.   Another interesting thing is after testing the items that worked, I went back tried the item link you posted - guess what, that one worked too.   Sorry, no clue as to why.  


I also copied the link you posted and tried it again with another web browser - got the blank page again.  If the problem appears to be with one particular item, perhaps deleting that item, then republish your site - next re-add the item and republish your site again.   If the results are the same next step would be to contact Tech Support for help.




Message 2 of 3

I'm currently rolling out a new set of products and my customers are reaching out to me to tell me the same thing is happening.  This is very frustrating.  They can fill their cart but when they go to the cart to check out it is a blank white page with my header and footer.  I've cleared my own cookies and tried multiple fixes but can't get it to work!   Can anyone help with this?  https://www.valerierussellart.com/cart

Message 3 of 3