Square Champion

"Schedule for later" pick up option should show up in shopping cart

I think one of the biggest flaws in the Square Online system is the fact that they "schedule for later" option does not show up until after a customer fills in their contact info. 


I've been having a ton of customers calling my business asking how to schedule their orders for a future date because they stop at the shopping cart versus clicking "checkout" and proceeding to the next screen to see the reminder of the details. Most customers are afraid to checkout if the details are not correct in the shopping cart.  Which I totally understand as it's kind of misleading. 


I have found that this customer confusion either results in a no sale (as they just give up bc they don't know how to change the date/time) or the constant contacting of the business on how to schedule for a future date. 


It makes the most sense for the "schedule for later" feature to show in the shopping cart where you choose your fulfillment method. When you click the "change" button beside the automated pick up time in the shopping cart, it would be nice to have the option for customers to schedule for a future date prior to filling out their information.


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Thanks for voicing your concerns about this, @WST90


While I don't know if scheduling within the cart is coming in specific, I know that our team is working on providing more places for customers to set their fulfillment options outside of just the checkout page. If it turns out that does not include the cart then I'll pass on your feedback to them!


Seller Community, Platform
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