
Online website

I have completed my online ordering set up, even got the "congratulations your online store is complete and published" doing a dummy sale it keeps coming back with the error, We are no longer accepting orders! Any solutions?

Message 1 of 2
Square Community Moderator

Hey there, @MrsSippy, thanks for flagging this with us!

I've just quickly jumped onto your site to check this behaviour and I was able to successfully select an item to add to the cart and proceed to checkout. Are you still seeing this issue on your side?

If not, what I suspect may have been a contributing factor when testing your site was your SSL (Secure Socket Layer) certification. When you first publish a Square Online site, SSL is automatically enabled for you, however, it can take between 24-48 hours to fully configure on your site. SSL encrypts the data that goes from a user's computer to your Square Online site and back, making the data exchange secure.


Any order will be temporarily blocked until this process has been completed to ensure all transactions processed via your Square Online site are secure.

If you are still experiencing issues on your side, however, please let me know in your reply so we can take a closer look. ๐Ÿ‘

Community Moderator, Australia, Square
Sign in and click Mark as Best Answer if my reply answers your question.
Message 2 of 2