
How to temporarily hide an item?


Is there a way to temporarily 'hide' an item from online store?

Ideally we could 'unhide' the item from the POS ?



We are using Square POS and self serve orders at our bar.

When a keg of beer ends, we want to remove it both from online and POS and add another

in its place. Ideally we have already set the other keg of beer up before hand, prices and other info.


Looking for a simple way to achieve this without requiring dashboard access.



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Hi @Dirky, I can definitely help with this!


You can definitely 'hide' an item from the Square Online site. However, there isn't a way to 'hide' it from the Square Point of Sale app at the moment; the item will always be visible within the Item Library.


To hide an item from the online site, simply go into Items within your Point of Sale app, click the item you wish to take off, and scroll down to Check out link. From here, you'll be able to toggle off the option for Available for Purchase Online. This will turn the item into Unavailable on the site and customers will not be able to add it to cart.


Image from iOS (1).jpeg



You can then toggle the Available for Purchase Online back on within the app. However at the moment, doing this within the app actually make the item Hidden rather than Visible, so you'd still need to access your Dashboard to make the items fully visible and available for purchase. On this point, I'm working with the ECOM team at the moment to see how we can resolve this, so that items being marked as Available for Purchase Online will immediately show as Visible rather than Hidden.

Tra | she/her
Community Engagement Program Manager, Square
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Thanks @tranguyen 

I'm trying to make the process easy and importantly quick for staff to stop an item being sold across all

channels and put another on quickly.

I noticed the option below? Will this affect what you said above? 

Of is this just for when an item is first created?

Screenshot 2021-04-14 at 12.38.23.jpg

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That's completely understandable @Dirky! I'm still working with the team on this workflow so hopefully I'll be able to share an update soon.


The option you shared is only for when an item is first created, so it won't have any effect on the above workflow. 

Tra | she/her
Community Engagement Program Manager, Square
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