
Text Message Marketing all texts are being blocked

I have tried twice to send a Campaign thru texts and both times it has sent back 100% blocked. 
I dont mention anything out of guidlines. Its an announcement about Music on fridays with a picture.
I called and was told the first one was because it read LIVE MUSIC on Friday Nights.. and a 3rd party company blocks it cause they "assume" its about alcohol.   Its not!!  so I changed the wording to not include that and still again im blocked  so my initial 200 texts went from 600 (sent mms so its triple) to 1200 with second try. I was also told sorry I still had to pay and nothing they can do on square side. IM NOT HAPPY  and will look elsewhere for text marketing if this cant be resolved or in the very least tell me why before its sent out so I can fix it before its sent and im charged for nothing!
Please help with this issue! 

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