
Can I import email contact lists from other businesses?

Hello curious if there are laws against this? I am a very tiny little shop and my good friend has a much larger establishment. 

We were wondering if he could export his contact list and my location imports the list to send out bulk emails.

Is this legal? Is this right? Is there an afterlife?

Message 1 of 3
Square Champion

Hello @The7onWalnut thanks for your post. This is a great question because as a small business owner myself, it's always a struggle to try and build up an email list. Here is just one article that discusses potential legal issues regarding building/using a mailing list for your company. If you consider you're "buying" your friend's list, you may be "legal" but I have a better solution for you.


Why not capitalize on any good will that your friend's customers have for their business, and if they are willing, I would ask if they would send an "intro" email to the list telling them about your store. There may be a greater chance that email would opened/read instead of the recipients getting an email from a strange company. The intro email could contain some selling points, why your store is worth a visit, and maybe a special offer or coupon. In either the email or when they redeem the coupon, ask them to join YOUR email list to continue to receive special offers.


I hope this helps answer your question, and maybe gives you a few new ideas to try.

Homestyle Charlie
Handmade Heirloom Ornaments & Charms
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Message 2 of 3
Square Champion

One thing I would recommend to build you email list is to post a link on your social media to get people to sign up. If they like your Facebook page, instagram, twitter then they are more likely to sign up.


In my option buying or using someone else's email list is like buying Facebook likes. All you get is just a number and those numbers usually don't turn into sales.

Message 3 of 3