Beta Member

New Square Loan in 2024

I’m at a bit of a loss for what else I need to do to be offered a new Square Loan at this point. I’ve been with Square for over 10 years, had 7 loans now that I’ve have paid back early every single time. Metrics are all in green, record sales year. In 2023, record numbers across the board, no refunds, no complaints or issues of any kind in our entire history. Current loan is 80% paid off, but no new offer in site. This is the kind of stuff that causes businesses to find someone else to process through! Please help! I’m sure I’ll get the same old excuses that you guys send to everyone about looking at every aspect of the business. But there isn’t a single aspect that isn’t way up. I’m not sure if there is a new process they are using now, or if there is some kind of issue with my banking or something else I’m not thinking about or aware of. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks, because I could really use some new capital to start the year off with and reinvest into my business!

Message 1 of 2,000
5 Best Answers
Square Champion

Best Answer

I'm really sorry to hear about your frustration with the loan offers. I understand how important it is to feel valued, especially as a loyal customer. Let me try to address your concerns and provide some clarity.

Loan Offers and Qualification Parameters

Square’s loan offers are based on a variety of factors, and while past trends have shown offers at certain thresholds, the exact parameters can change over time and are not always disclosed in detail. Here are a few points to consider:

  • Dynamic Criteria: Square uses a complex set of algorithms that take into account not just the repayment percentage but also your recent sales history, account health, and overall business performance.
  • Market Conditions: External market conditions and internal policy changes can also impact when and how loan offers are extended.

Value Beyond Transaction Fees

I understand that a 3% card transaction fee can seem high compared to other providers, but Square offers several features and benefits that help justify this cost:

  • Integrated Ecosystem: Square provides a comprehensive suite of tools that work seamlessly together, from point-of-sale systems to online stores, invoicing, and inventory management.
  • Ease of Use: The user-friendly interface and intuitive design make managing your business simpler and more efficient, saving you time and reducing the need for extensive training.
  • Reliable Support: Square offers robust customer support and resources to help you resolve issues quickly and keep your business running smoothly.
  • Secure Transactions: Advanced security measures protect your business and customers from fraud and data breaches.
  • Analytics and Reporting: Detailed analytics and reporting tools help you understand your business performance and make informed decisions.


I understand the disappointment regarding the loan offer, please know that Square regularly reviews its criteria and your status. I recommend reaching out to Square’s customer support for a more personalized review of your account and to express your concerns directly.

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Message 468 of 2,000
Square Community Moderator

Best Answer

Thank you for reaching out and sharing your concerns. We understand your frustration, especially given your long-standing relationship with Square and your excellent track record with previous loans.


There are several factors that can affect loan offers, and while it sounds like you have met all the typical criteria, there may be new processes or other considerations at play. I would reach out to our Square Financial Services Team if you have any further questions. They are available at 1-855-700-6000 Monday - Friday, 8 AM to 8 PM CST. 




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Message 875 of 2,000
Square Champion

Best Answer

August 1st Square shareholder letter came out with another outstanding quarter for Square Loans.  More loans than ever were started in the last 3 months, an outstanding show of commitment to the service.
"Square Loans facilitated approximately 142,000 loans totaling $1.45 billion in originations, up 32% year over year."

That breaks down to almost 1,600 loans a day (66 an hour, or more than 1 per 
minute). averaging $10,200+ per loan.

So yes, there are THOUSANDS and THOUSANDS of Square Loans happening all the time.  It is unbelievable that they can get this number of loans even facilitated, that is a staggering number of loans to Square customers.  It wouldn't be possible without the Square Loans Algorithm going thru and promoting offers to be given.  For every one post on here saying they haven't gotten a loan or 5th offer, 10s of thousands have gotten loans.  The service keeps growing though it may not seem like it to a user that is waiting for their 3rd loan.


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Message 1492 of 2,000
Square Champion

Best Answer

Good news, bad news, eh @cmeshine.  There are a number of reasons that COULD be part of why your new offer was lower.


  1. Square might be slowing down on how much loan exposure they want to have on their balance sheet.  They are, after all, a publicly traded company that has to answer to their shareholders and investors.
  2. If our sales are flat or at least not growing at a good rate to cover inflation and higher interest, then Square’s algorithm understands that inflation is eating into our available cash to pay bills, etc.  Flat sales (or very slowly growing sales) are always red flags to lenders, Square or not.
  3. Sometimes how long it takes us to pay off our current loans can be a factor.  Let’s say that previous loans were paid off with automatic payments in 8-10 months in the past.  But for this current loan it took us 12-15 months.  That tells Square that our card processing volume can’t keep you with higher loan amounts.  Yes, they give us 18 months to fully pay a loan, but they obviously prefer that we pay them off closer to the 12 month mark.
  4. If our cash/card ratio drastically changes, and cash spikes or is consistently higher than historical for our business, that is another red flag.  Since Square must only consider card volume when calculating repayment rates this can become a problem.

Of course, I’m not saying that any of these contributed to your lower offer.  I’m just throwing out a few reasons why this CAN happen.


If my answer resolves your issue, please take a minute to mark it as Best Answer. That helps people who find this thread in the future.

Piper’s Ice Cream Bar, Covington KY USA
Click here to see a list of third-party apps I use to add functionality to my Square account!

जो है सो है

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Message 1498 of 2,000
Square Champion

Best Answer

@Twpchair wrote:

Years ago, I went to my credit union and called about a line of credit. Do I need anything, etc, Nope, they had all my paperwork and licenses, and they can look right at my account. I only bank with them.  No kidding in about an hour boom done received a line of credit. Now, I do use that for emergency type situations. But I have it. I just myself like small credit unions vs. bigger banks, just my preference, but they seem to lend faster and more often to small businesses. They did offer a business credit card, and I turned that down over the LOC. I'm old school and I do like Square. I've never been with anyone else, though, to compare. But I swipe that card and 5:05 pm it's in my bank. Loans love them, too. I don't take every offer more so the winter times, or if a deal comes along that I just can't pass up on and an offer came in, I would take it. I'm also one that likes the higher percentage paid back. If I want that loan, I want the most of it and not roll over 30 or 40% of an old loan eating into my new offer. But that's just me. Everyone and their situation is different. I see people with broken equipment or business repairs that need to be done ASAP. That's much different, and I feel for them, and each day I watch hoping they get that offer!

I agree everyone's circumstances are different and things come up randomly.  The biggest thing is like you said, if possible, to pay that thing down to 10% or less is ideal for sure if you can.  Just makes the most sense to me as well.  A 15k loan doesn't mean anything if you are losing 4-5k of that to pay off the previous one. 

Scorpion Coating Plus,LLC
Square Super Seller
Check out Square support center for additional help.

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Message 1832 of 2,000
1,999 REPLIES 1,999
Beta Member

How do you connect to pipe?

Message 1912 of 2,000

You are an angel! I got approved for $4600! Definitely can put that to use for the business. 

Message 1913 of 2,000

It says I need to attach my account with them through square so they can transfer money from my square to them. Which I did. But for square to verify, it says it takes out $1 or less and then refunds the money. Not sure how square will verify this. How did you do it?

Message 1914 of 2,000
Beta Member

Careful, make sure this isn't a scam.   Do not give any account info out 

Message 1915 of 2,000

Did anyone  receive a loan and get funded yet

Message 1916 of 2,000
Square Champion

When were you approved? Yesterday another was asking and they were on day 1. Their offer came in a little after 10 pm though.

Message 1917 of 2,000

I was approved yesterday.  I would have already received it if I didn’t have my card sales go into my square account cause my other bank would have linked faster. 

Message 1918 of 2,000

Well apparently they don’t take square bank statements and that’s all I use so looks like it’s a no for me! It was worth the try though back to waiting for a square offer 😪

Message 1919 of 2,000

at what point did they ask you for bank statements ? 

Message 1920 of 2,000

I received an email yesterday about submitting proof of address and bank statement so I submitted my square one and they just emailed saying they do not accept square statements at this time 

Message 1921 of 2,000
Beta Member

Maybe it's just me, but I get a strange feeling about this pipe thing.  I'm never comfortable with giving out my personal bank information. 

Message 1922 of 2,000

I’ve done my research they are a reputable company, these are standard procedures when doing business loans . Mostly ALL loan companies require 3 months of business bank statements and they probably requested them from @Healthyketo  because they weren’t able to connect their bank account through square using plaid . So they probably manually requested the statements because square isn’t an option on plaid for connectivity . I’m awaiting square to connect PIPE to my bank accounts and do the $1 verification. I will keep everyone posted. 

Message 1923 of 2,000

On my activity page it shows that my checking and savings from square is connected and shows the last 4 digits of my accounts so it was accepted by plaid. 🤔 this is interesting 


hopefully someone gets funded and approved to see if it’s legit 

Message 1924 of 2,000

Same with me. I was able to connect mine easily.  But with square could only manually connect to their end so that’s taking square a while to do this. Have you done this step yet?

Message 1925 of 2,000

Hmm. I never got anything asking for this. 

Message 1926 of 2,000

A person from pipe actually called me and asked me to send the info by email.

Has never responded back since yesterday morning. I sent an email back saying to cancel.

Message 1927 of 2,000

That's strange. They wanted my square info plus my actual bank info. 3 months of statements etc. I decided that it wasn't for me. Especially when the plaid program popped up and it said my account info wanted me to change my password. I've used plaid a lot, I've never received that kind of message.

Message 1928 of 2,000

They called me and wanted all kinds of documents and also explained that when we take a credit card payment it goes into their bank they deduct their fees and redirect the payment back to Square. I find that worrisome and feel like i could be waiting on money for days if there were any kind of glitches. I’m sticking with Square loans. They may be difficult waiting to be renewed but at least the process is simple. 

Message 1929 of 2,000
Beta Member

The question is.... Will it affect Square offering you a loan?

Message 1930 of 2,000

Did you hear anything about pipe loan effecting square loan? 

Message 1931 of 2,000
Beta Member

how do I find Pipe?

Message 1932 of 2,000