
Logo cropping

For a site that is admittedly business friendly, one of the basic needs of a business is to be able to effectively display a logo on business forms, such as an invoice.  


The fact that Square pays little-to-no attention to this feature is a significant fault.  There are very minor changes that can be made to a logo, but scaling to fit...the most basic need for a logo for invoicing, is a feature that Square doesn't seem to have time or interest in fixing. It's enough of a problem to make me look elsewhere for a vendor.  

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Square Champion

Hello @RKingHHF !


I;m sorry to hear that you're having troubles with your logo fitting on Square's system. Most of the areas where you would need to insert a logo have square dimensions. The invoices do allow for a rectangular logo though.


I understand your frustration that there isn't a basic image editor within Square, but I would also say that there are a ton of free resources both online and as free downloadable programs that will let you tweak your logo. With this many resources available, it seems counterintuitive for Square to dedicate engineering staff to this instead of working on new features for the product that aren't available anywhere else.


Check out this help file that discusses logo pixel sizing and has other tips for making your logo work with the Square platform.

Ryan Wanner
Golden Pine Coffee Roasters
Colorado Springs, CO, USA

Square Champion: I know stuff.
Beta Tester: I break stuff.
he/him/hey you/coffee guy/whatever.

Happy Selling!
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