
Credit card was used to pay invoice sent via email, shows up in transaction but not balance, why

I sent my customer a invoice to his email, and he paid me through that email with a credit card. I can see it in my transactions saying paid in full, and pretty much everywhere else, but it does not reflect in my balance. Am I doing something wrong or what happened, because I need this payment. 

Message 1 of 3
Square Champion

@Hannumhangs ;

The issue here COULD be when the Invoice was PAID.  Meaning if your have your store business hours with Square till 6pm, for instance, and the Invoice was Paid at 7pm.  Then the Balance for the next day should be Higher by the Invoice amount - Square Fees.

If you click on the actual Transaction : by going to your Square Dashboard - Transactions - Double Click the actual Transaction ( You may need to adjust the Date if this is from the day or two before etc )  And a Receipt Window will pop up on the right side, scroll to the bottom and you will have Transfer Click on that and it will give you the Transfer Details on when it was Transferred to you Bank.  Or it might be in the next Deposit.  I use next day Transfers, and usually I get deposits Mon through Sat., unless the banks are closed because of Holidays etc.  I am not sure how you have your funds transferred or if you use Square Banking and a Square Debt card but here is more on when Square Transfers money and might give you an idea when you should have your funds.



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Message 2 of 3

I just got access to my funds this morning. Thank you!

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