
Review product email comes too soon!

We make custom products that can take up to 4 weeks for completion. Our customers understand this when placing the order, but sometimes get the "Review Product" email before they've had a chance to try the product!

At this time there isn't a longer time frame available for the automated Review email to be sent. Does the lag time start from the date the order is placed or when the item is shipped?

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Square Community Moderator

Hi @bmlmjm - Welcome to The Seller Community, it's always nice to see a new face 😊


Great Question. It starts when the item is actually placed.

I can totally see the that this could have on yourself and customers in this case. At this time Square does not offer a feature that will allow you to delay when the item reviews go out. I'll be happy to move this over to a feature request board so that our engineers have visibility of your suggestion. We appreciate you sharing your request. While there is no time frame for when it will be implemented, i'm happy to make sure our engineers have eyes on your request. 


As always, feel free to stop by The Community with question, concerns and even feature requests. We are more than happy to assist.


Community Moderator, Square
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