
Capability to add more than one email address for a customer

Capability to add more than one email address for a customer

Please give us the capability to add more than one email address for a customer.  I need to send invoices to more than one person in a company.  As of now, you can only enter one email address in the customer profile.  There is an option on the actual invoice to add a recipient, but then you have to remember to do that and look up the 2nd email address every time.  


I second this request and based on the number of replies on the help desk thread I know there are many many Square users (WE ARE YOUR CUSTOMERS!!!!) who want this to be added.  It seems like a no brainer but somehow this issue still remains after years of people asking for this.

Come on, Square, do better!

This feature was requested in the middle of 2017, and I originally asked about it in 2020. It does seem a bit of a head-scratcher why it hasn't been added yet. It would really help my business send accurate invoices to our regular customers!


Square Community Moderator
Status changed to: Open

Hey there, @wasatchrock - 


I’ve gone ahead and changed the status of this feature request to “Open”. You provided a great assessment on the potential business use/need for something like this on our platform from a seller’s perspective.


This is a useful tool for our Product Team to use as they build the future of our products. As more information becomes available, a Community moderator will come in and change the status letting all of the subscribed sellers know.


Thank you to @LogicGeek and @HotIceLLC for adding your voices to this request too!

So almost a year later after this was put into the OPEN category, there is still no resolution on this.  This has been requested for 7 years.  I have multiple invoices that are dropping through the cracks with some customers as they are not getting to all of the appropriate people at the company.  The invoices eventually get paid after I follow-up multiple times with the customer, but I lose out on months worth of outstanding invoices that I spend far too much of my time trying to rectify.

How about everyone at square eliminate all email groups, so that every time they want to send an email to a group, entire department, or entire company, they need to select each persons name each time, and be sure to not forget anyone.  Once this ability if solved for us, you can get grouped emails again.

Has this issue been fixed yet? Looking back through all of the old threads, its ridiculous that this simple issue has not been fixed yet. I hope Square realizes that this is such an important feature that a business MUST have in todays world. Almost every business nowadays needs their invoices emailed to 1-2 different people. Just let us add a coma after the first email address and enter the second one already! Geez!