
Square Contracts customization

Hello! I just started using Square Contracts. I have a few questions regarding features and customization:

1- In the heading of the emailed contract it says New Contract-(then name of the contract). How can I get rid of the words New Contract?  I did not include this in the name of my contract.


2- In my test run of sending out a contract, Square requires a second step for the client "Square Contracts Sign In- Please provide your email so that we can send you a unique link to log into Square contracts".  This is awkward for my clients since they were just emailed a contract by me. Why the second step and can this be bypassed? 


3- In set up I requested to have my logo- "full" not "framed" yet framed shows up on my emailed Contract.  Any suggestions?  


thank you!!!!

Message 1 of 19
1 Best Answer
Square Community Moderator

Best Answer

Hello @jmartin - Welcome and thanks for posting your questions in our Seller Community. 


1. The header of the contract cannot be changed from ¨New Contract" to something else. This is a feature request. 


2. The second step cannot be bypassed. The email that is initially sent is a notification to your customers that they have a pending contract to sign. As you mentioned, it will then ask them for an email address as a security measure. We want to make sure we are sending the contract to the correct person. 


3. The logo on the contract is pulling from the logo located in your receipt section/settings, however, there is no way to remove the frame around the logo in our contract settings. 


Contracts are a fairly new feature for us and while we can't make many customizations to this right now this may change in the future. Here is a good article to take a look at regarding contracts. 


Let me know if you have any other questions. 

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Message 2 of 19
Square Community Moderator

Best Answer

Hello @jmartin - Welcome and thanks for posting your questions in our Seller Community. 


1. The header of the contract cannot be changed from ¨New Contract" to something else. This is a feature request. 


2. The second step cannot be bypassed. The email that is initially sent is a notification to your customers that they have a pending contract to sign. As you mentioned, it will then ask them for an email address as a security measure. We want to make sure we are sending the contract to the correct person. 


3. The logo on the contract is pulling from the logo located in your receipt section/settings, however, there is no way to remove the frame around the logo in our contract settings. 


Contracts are a fairly new feature for us and while we can't make many customizations to this right now this may change in the future. Here is a good article to take a look at regarding contracts. 


Let me know if you have any other questions. 

Community Moderator, Square // Moderadora de la Comunidad, Square
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Message 2 of 19

Thank you Sayra!

I am very happy about this new contract feature.  Now I know that I have set it up to the best it can be right now.

So far, so good!  I sent two out today.

I am looking forward to more customized tweaks in the future. 

Message 3 of 19

I would love to utilize square contracts, as I use them frequently in my business. I keep client's credit card information on file so having the Credit Card Authorization Template is beneficial to me.


I was doing a test run with it before I send one out to my clients. I sent one to myself and I have entered in multiple different credit cards and every time it says "Could not verify card information. Please ensure it is correct." And won't let me Finish & Send the contract to the business.


I don't want this to be a problem for my clients. How can this be fixed?

Message 4 of 19
Square Community Moderator

Hey @megangad,


Just so I'm understanding correctly- you emailed one to yourself and were trying to save your own card on file that way?


This specific contract template is designed to give you authorization to store a customer’s credit card information and charge it as agreed upon. This is most often used for repeat customers or subscription services. Once a customer signs and submits this contract, their card information will automatically be added to your Square “cards on file."


So you weren't able to save your card on file is what you're saying?


It might be easier to give our direct CS team a call so we can see the attempts on the back-end and see what was happening or wrong.

Ashley C
Community Moderator, Square
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Message 5 of 19

Correct, I messaged with multiple people yesterday and they made me jump through about 10 different hoops before even sending anything to the engineers.


I also had a client test it from her end and she receives the same error code.

Message 6 of 19

Regarding #2- this step is frustrating. The feature would be heaps helpful for my business and yet, I do not feel it's appropriate for client's to receive an email that there is a contract, and then have to re-enter their email address, to then go to another window to view and complete the contract. Impractical and not user friendly. Really hoping Square reconsiders this process. 

Message 7 of 19

Agreed, it’s another step that is not needed and causes frustration to the customers. 

Message 8 of 19

Hello Sayra,


I have sent out Contracts to hundreds of clients and tested them on myself. When I send the contract to my Gmail I get the review and sign button, but when I sent it to my Outlook email address I just get an empty blue square and a PDF is attached. So some of my clients are printing and signing the pdf and sending those back. Please see images attached.


Once I get the signed PDF contract back is there a way for me to mark the contract as signed on my list?


Thank you


1674a310-471a-4439-afd2-a520d2aa2ba2.pngOutlook Contract.png

Message 9 of 19
Square Community Moderator

@GFContact0- Thanks for sending this over. I was not able to replicate the same issue on my end. As you can see in the picture below, I sent a contract to my Outlook account and can still see the blue button to sign the contract. 


When it comes to marking the contract as sign, the system does not have a way to do this. I would try more than one outlook account. 





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Message 10 of 19

Thank you.


Why do some people receive a pdf along with the contract? This is why I am getting back signed PDFs.

Also, if I do get back a signed PDF is there a way for me to mark the contract as signed?



Message 11 of 19
Square Community Moderator

@GFContact - Sorry, there is no way for you to mark the contract as signed. When it comes to some customers receiving a PDF file, we can’t say why this is the case. Most of the times PDF files need to be downloaded or their computer may automatically open a PDF file for them. 

Community Moderator, Square // Moderadora de la Comunidad, Square
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Message 12 of 19

We have different types of contracts managed by different individuals with different email addresses. Contracts currently used the business email, which doesn't work for us. How can we change the Business Email in Contracts without changing it in Business Settings?

Message 13 of 19
Square Community Moderator

Hey there, @PCArts


At the moment, you would only be able to have the contracts contain the email address for the business. 


If you'd like to add another email address, you would have to add it in the notes of the contract. 


Please let me know if you have any other questions.

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 14 of 19

Hi Sayra!


I'd like to piggyback on this question.  Is there a way to customize the contract ID... It just sent one to myself as a test and noticed it auto assigns an ID of "000001" etc.  Is there a way to customize the contract ID number (create my own)?  I'd like to keep them consistent with my invoices.

Message 15 of 19

I've recently setup a contract and I did a test on myself as a customer. I receive the contract fine in my email but it delivers to my inbox as from "Square Contracts." Is there a way to change the display name and have it delivered to my inbox or a clients inbox as something different, like my business name instead? I feel like the client may think "Square Contracts" could be spam and they may delete it. Thanks!

Message 16 of 19

Hey! I've merged your post to an existing thread where another seller is also looking for more contract customization. Like Sayra says above, this is a pretty new feature so keep your eyes peeled for any more updates. For now I will continue to track the feedback.

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 17 of 19

I agree, this would be much better to use my business name rather than "Square Contracts." Additionally, would like to see us be able to re-name the ID. When it sends the email to the customer to review and sign, it defaults to "Contract #0000001" and so on, without the ability to choose what to ID the contract. 

Message 18 of 19

There are many bugs with Square contracts even now in 2023.  It doesn't seem like Square is very dedicated to making it a good piece of software.  So that this isn't just an empty compliant I'll specify one particular area.   I can't imagine a contract for anything that doesn't explain in detail what is being purchased and for how much, therefore I don't understand the option of adding payment details or not.  But that aside, when you add payment details it requires that you enter 'description', but it ends up on the document as 'deliverables'.  That's a very simple programming oversight that's merely an annoyance, but shows the lack of attention to detail.  Next, deliverables are regular and repeated in most service businesses, therefore there should be a list we can create just like a product business can create items.  We shouldn't have to type out all the deliverables each time for each contract.  It should be a drop down list like there is for items.  The field for entering the deliverables (description box) is a simple text box and you cannot format in even the simplest way.  You cannot make a bulleted or numbered list of your deliverables.  You cannot even make a new paragraph.  It's just one long string of text.  So lame.  And last, if you spend all the time filling out the fields in the 'add payment information' pop up, including you tediously written out deliverables, and then try to move the window out of the way to see whats under it by clicking and dragging like you do with all windows on a computer, the whole thing dissappears and you have to start over!  Buggy as hell.  Square could really make this so much better by taking care of the little tech problems and making the creation of contracts streamlined, allowing us to create a complete contract with terms and items (deliverables) quickly and simply in one document, then the recipient should be able to sign and send payment with only a few clicks off the one email.  As a stockholder in the Square since 2020, I'm very dissapointed that this process has not been better refined yet.  I'm actively looking at other solutions via Adobe and Braintree as a pair, or possibly PandaDoc or Docusign for contracts and just using Square for invoicing and payment processing.

Message 19 of 19