
Payment Report Based On Appointment Date (Not Transaction Date)

Square Champion

Payment Report Based On Appointment Date (Not Transaction Date)

We would like an easy way to see appointments made and which ones were paid/unpaid. We would like an easy way to calculate how much to pay our Service Providers. 


We need a report that provides: 

  1. Created Date
  2. Appointment Date/Time
  3. Appointment Length 
  4. Client Name
  5. Staff
  6. Paid/Unpaid
  7. Amount Paid for Service
  8. Tip Amount Given


Currently Items 1-5 are available under Appointments-> Settings -> History, Items 6-8 are not. 


Transactions-> filter by Service Provider shows when a payment was made. Does not show appointment date/time and unpaid appointments. 


Team Report does not show Items 1-4, is based on when the appointment was made, not when the service was rendered. 


Use case: 

We pay our Service Providers every Monday. If we run a report for the week based on transaction date, the service may not yet have been rendered. A client can cancel, no service will be rendered, and I have paid the service provider for a service not rendered. 


Having a report based on appointment date, that shows paid/unpaid, amount paid for service, and tip amount given will help ensure that I am paying out my service providers the correct amount for services they have actually rendered. 


Our current process is complicated and takes a couple hours, when it could take only ten minutes with the above data. 

1 Reply
Square Community Moderator
Status changed to: Reviewed