
Event Attendees List

Square Champion

Event Attendees List

We would like to have a list of people registered for events. 


Transactions -> Filter by Item -> Export Items Detail CSV  provides the event/item purchased, and the name of the customer that purchased the said event/item. However, it does not provide the phone number and email address of the customer. 


Use case: 

We would like to have a list of Customer Name, Phone Number, Email Address so that we can call and/or email the customer before the event to remind them, and then at the event do a sign-in. 

3 Replies
Square Community Moderator
Status changed to: Reviewed
Square Champion

I have been informed that Orders -> Export now provides Customer Name, Phone Number, Email Address. Thanks Square! 


It would be nice if we could have a Live View of event signups on Dashboard so that we can see a running total of attendee numbers and their information as last minute signups come in. We may not have time last minute to Export, and having a quick way to verify total signups would be great.  

Square Champion

A potential issue for those using Orders -> Export for Event Attendee Lists: 


Customers who sign up and checkout at the register for the event in person do not show up in the Order Manager export list. Therefore, you will not have the complete Event Attendee Lists. 


We try to have all our customers sign up for events online, but occasionally you have someone who wants to pay with cash or is a last minute walk-in, and checking them out at the register is faster (cellular connection inside the store is terrible). 

