
Seller Community Blog

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Welcome to the Seller Community blog - your ultimate source for the latest Community news, including upcoming events and inspiring Square seller stories. Subscribe to the blog to stay informed and inspired.
Latest Blog Posts
Aylon Pesso explains essential strategies to help you navigate success and failure in business. Learn why it’s important to celebrate success, how to learn from your mistakes, and how to cut yourself some slack when things don’t go to plan.
Celebrating the holidays alongside your customers can be a big boost for your business. Learn from Charlie Marshall, owner and chef of The Marshal, to see what he does and how it helps his restaurant grow.
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Aylon Pesso presents practical tactics to build boundaries between your identity and the identity of your business. It takes dedication and sacrifice to own and run a business, but you shouldn’t sacrifice all of yourself. You are not your business.
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ChatGPT has been in the headlines since it was first launched in November 2022. In this article we chat with John Alexander, owner of JT Pets, to learn how he uses AI technology to improve his pet supply business.
The line between a business and its owners can easily become blurred. Learn best practices that will benefit your business and help you achieve work-life balance — and reclaim your life.
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The Seller Community’s seasonal survival guide is jam-packed with top tips and practical advice for your business that will help you bring the year to a close.
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In this article, Lenore Johnson shares how her original plan to start a bespoke wedding cake business evolved into a retail location. When the opportunity arose, her business evolved again to a second location — a café. Learn from the ups and downs of her roller-coaster business journey.
What’s your exit strategy? Believe it or not, there will come a time when you’ll want (or need) to leave your business or pass it to the next generation. The process of extracting yourself from a business – or selling it – can take a considerable amount of time so we hope this helps you to prepare.
Ready to quit your day job for your business? Square Small Business Evangelist Aylon Pesso, a former small business owner, consultant, and Square Seller, shares tips for anyone considering taking their business full time.