
Generate report that shows fees by Category

Generate report that shows fees by Category

Requesting the ability to generate a report that shows Square fees by category - i.e. there were $2000 in Admissions sales, and $X of that went to Square fees. I have seen others requesting this same feature since 2018. 

Square Community Moderator
Status changed to: Open

Hello @OregonGarden thank you for taking the time to actually submit this feature request! Your feedback and insight on this feature request are greatly appreciated. Since this particular feature isn’t currently available on our platform, I have updated the status to “Open”. Once more information becomes available from our Product Team, a Community moderator will update the status to the next phase.


I know it's frustrating waiting for something to be built out but I do want to assure you we truly do value your feedback. In an effort to stream and track these requests better we have been making changes to our feature request and hoping with our new  Ideate Board we can do that. Please keep in mind that we field thousands of feature requests each week here on the Seller Community, and bringing these features to fruition often takes an ample amount of time and effort from our engineers. We want to ensure that our releases are not just surface-level products, but the best all-around resources to help you grow your business.


Keep an eye out for the email once this change has been made. Thank you so much again for your feedback! 🙏

Bumping this yet again!  Accounting for fees for our non-profit is a nightmare without being able to run a report showing fees by category.  This cannot be that hard to provide.