
Suggestion: Customize SMS notification for Square Appointments

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Suggestion: Customize SMS notification for Square Appointments

The ability to customize the email notifications is great, however the sms notification is very limited. Allowing customization, if possible, would be a welcome upgrade.

3 Verified Answers
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Re: Is there a way to customize the text messages for appointment confirmations?

This reply was created from merging an existing thread: Is there a way to customize the text messages for appointment confirmations?


@nailsbyjlyn @Kenzi Right now you can only edit the email confirmations for Square Appointment and we're tracking the request to be able to edit text messages too! We'll share any updates in this thread.


@Kenzi You can change the cut-off time that a client can cancel an Appointment from the Calendar & Booking section of your Appointments Dashboard: 

  1. Scroll down to Online Scheduling.
  2. Click on the dropdown menu below Cut-off time for allowing clients to cancel or reschedule > choose a new time.
  3. Click Save.

Verified Answer

Re: Suggestion: Customize SMS notification

Hi @Mackay! Thanks for bringing this up. 🙂


I'll be sure to flag this with our Appointments Team who is tracking notification requests. Appreciate your flexibility in the meantime, and please don't hesitate to check in for updates.

Verified Answer

Suggestion: Customize SMS notification for Square Appointments

The ability to customize the email notifications is great, however the sms notification is very limited. Allowing customization, if possible, would be a welcome upgrade.

159 Replies

I discovered a workaround to customize the text. It’s limited but you can go to change your business name and add a few words maybe a sentence there and it will appear in every text to your customer- for example I have for mine; 

JoaquinJonathanHair: Will be moving April 2nd to 205 S Robertson Blvd 

Thisnis written as my business name sadly but it’s only temporary until square can get us this feature.

the options available in the communications tab only refers to emails. I'd like to customize the text messages my clients receive when they book an appointment, reschedule, cancel, etc.

I would like to know how to also? Or change the time fir cancelation tine texts


This reply was created from merging an existing thread: Is there a way to customize the text messages for appointment confirmations?


@nailsbyjlyn @Kenzi Right now you can only edit the email confirmations for Square Appointment and we're tracking the request to be able to edit text messages too! We'll share any updates in this thread.


@Kenzi You can change the cut-off time that a client can cancel an Appointment from the Calendar & Booking section of your Appointments Dashboard: 

  1. Scroll down to Online Scheduling.
  2. Click on the dropdown menu below Cut-off time for allowing clients to cancel or reschedule > choose a new time.
  3. Click Save.

This reply was created from merging an existing thread:  How can i add my business address on messages?


I wanna add my address to the confirmed appointment message when it is sent to customer . I did put in the “message to client “ but it doesn’t send to customer 


Hello @Tiffanyp12! At this time you can't edit the text in SMS notifications for Square Appointments but we're tracking that as a feature request - it's a popular one!


In the meantime, the text message your clients receive will include a link to your business location. I shared a few screenshots in this thread What do my appointment confirmation texts look like? 



I am using Square Appointments to book business consulting/coaching clients. My clients need to call me when their appointment begins. Unfortunately though, after successfully booking a session, they see text that says:


"We'll call you at <their phone number>."


This makes them believe I will be calling them, which I won't be. In order to avoid confusion, is it possible to change that text? I'd like to change it to:


"Please call us at <my phone number>."?




This is definitely a Feature Request for text message services, although the email confirmation is customizable and you can clarify it through the email confirmation in your Appointments Dashboards.



Ok, thanks for letting me know. Will check out customizing the email. Thanks!

Are there any new updates on this? It would be so helpful to customize the texts for our business.