
Feature request for Invoices: Inventory is updated when an invoice is created (not when it is paid)

Feature request for Invoices: Inventory is updated when an invoice is created (not when it is paid)

This reply was created from merging an existing thread: Square invoices now syncs with Square Inventory


Thanks for adding this feature, but I agree with TomLittle above.  The feature is not usable until there is a way to reduce the inventory on CREATION of the invoice.


The whole point of having inventory tracking is to know how much you have left to sell.  You can't have an accurate idea if inventory that is actually "sold" is still included in the "available" category.


Please complete this functionality ASAP.   

3 Verified Answers
Verified Answer

Re: Feature request for Invoices: Inventory is updated when an invoice is created (not when it is pa

It's a money grab it's never going to happen it hasn't happened in all these years and years and years. we know it works in other systems.  Square wants the invoice to be paid, so they get their cut, which is fine but give us the ability to take it out of inventory.  You're biting off your nose to spite your face.

Verified Answer

Re: Feature request for Invoices: Inventory is updated when an invoice is created (not when it is pa

So you mean to tell me that Square did all this work on INVOICES and didn't work on the Invoicing and Inventory issue with people SCREAMING FOR YEARS to have inventory reduced after invoice is created.  You have got to be kidding me.  I've been patient, but have had enough.  GET SOMEONE THAT CAN MAKE THIS HAPPEN!!!!  THIS IS ABSOLUTELY UNACCEPTABLE AT THIS POINT.  PRETTY MUCH STUPIDITY.  Adding all the fluff that we don't need is crazy.  WE NEED THIS INVOICE ABILITY NOW!!!!!!   Get the word to anyone and everyone.  Post their emails so we can bombard them directly.  I feel our voices are NOT BEING HEARD!!!  We want answers.

Verified Answer

Re: Stock Counts Not Changing Upon Invoicing

Items added to invoices won't decrement inventory until the invoice is paid, not when it's created. From Dashboard, make to enable Inventory Management for Invoices within Items > Settings so stock amounts reflect accurately with each Invoice sale. 



217 Replies

Great news everyone! Our Invoices Team just introduced the ability to enable inventory management for invoices. 🎉  If you head to the Settings within the Items tab, you'll now be able to turn this feature on (per location). Once enabled, item count will automatically decrement when an invoice is paid. Here's a screenshot: 


Screen Shot 2017-08-04 at 1.12.47 PM.png


While it might go without saying, customer feedback is a huge piece of the puzzle that helps inform us what features we need to build and in what order. We definitely appreciate you being a part of that process and helping us keep our customers front and center!

@Sean, This is great news.  However according to the information provided for this option, "item count will automatically decrement when an invoice is paid."  This is not useful at all to my process because my customer's are on NET 30, however they order weekly.  The inventory should be updated when the invoice is created.  Are there any plans to add/change how this option works?  Thanks


Hello @FLMG, Helen here jumping in for Sean. 


I’m sorry to hear that this new feature isn’t useful to your business! I do see how it would be more helpful for you be able to update inventory when the invoice is first created and I’ve shared your feedback with the Invoices Team.


If this feature becomes available in future we’ll update this thread. Stay tuned and thanks again for your feedback! 

Does the inventory get removed when I create the invoice, or when I mark the invoice as Paid?

Thank you

[The title of this thread has been edited by moderator from it's original : Deduct inventory from square]


I have entered my items or inventory into square. When I send invoices to customers how do I get it to automatically deduct the items from my inventory? 

Example: I have 7 size 3 dresses in inventory. I send an invoice for 2 size 3's and it's paid. I should have 5 side 3 dresses left in my inventory but square doesn't take them out. 

This feature has resently been added.  Make sure you have it turned on in item settings.  Here is the link.

I just sent an invoice to a customer which will essentially wipe out my total inventory of one size of one product. But my online store and "items" tab both show that we still have that item fully stocked. My customer can't pay for 30 days, per usual, but I can't restock that particular size in the short term either. When does an invoice affect inventory? How do I communicate with other online shoppers that we don't have that item in stock? Do I have to manually readjust it?


Hi @MaconCreekMalt - Thank you for reaching out.


Inventory isn't adjusted until the Invoice has been paid. You would have to manually adjust it to Out of Stock and then add the Inventory back once the customer is ready to pay.

When I turn on the feature, is it retroactive? Or do I need to go manually adjust inventory for previous items?