
Feature request for Invoices: Inventory is updated when an invoice is created (not when it is paid)

Feature request for Invoices: Inventory is updated when an invoice is created (not when it is paid)

This reply was created from merging an existing thread: Square invoices now syncs with Square Inventory


Thanks for adding this feature, but I agree with TomLittle above.  The feature is not usable until there is a way to reduce the inventory on CREATION of the invoice.


The whole point of having inventory tracking is to know how much you have left to sell.  You can't have an accurate idea if inventory that is actually "sold" is still included in the "available" category.


Please complete this functionality ASAP.   

3 Verified Answers
Verified Answer

Re: Feature request for Invoices: Inventory is updated when an invoice is created (not when it is pa

It's a money grab it's never going to happen it hasn't happened in all these years and years and years. we know it works in other systems.  Square wants the invoice to be paid, so they get their cut, which is fine but give us the ability to take it out of inventory.  You're biting off your nose to spite your face.

Verified Answer

Re: Feature request for Invoices: Inventory is updated when an invoice is created (not when it is pa

So you mean to tell me that Square did all this work on INVOICES and didn't work on the Invoicing and Inventory issue with people SCREAMING FOR YEARS to have inventory reduced after invoice is created.  You have got to be kidding me.  I've been patient, but have had enough.  GET SOMEONE THAT CAN MAKE THIS HAPPEN!!!!  THIS IS ABSOLUTELY UNACCEPTABLE AT THIS POINT.  PRETTY MUCH STUPIDITY.  Adding all the fluff that we don't need is crazy.  WE NEED THIS INVOICE ABILITY NOW!!!!!!   Get the word to anyone and everyone.  Post their emails so we can bombard them directly.  I feel our voices are NOT BEING HEARD!!!  We want answers.

Verified Answer

Re: Stock Counts Not Changing Upon Invoicing

Items added to invoices won't decrement inventory until the invoice is paid, not when it's created. From Dashboard, make to enable Inventory Management for Invoices within Items > Settings so stock amounts reflect accurately with each Invoice sale. 



217 Replies

This has been HEAVILY requested since 2016.  At what point does this become a priority??  This is a major issue for your customers that needs to get fixed and should be at the tops of your list.  You should be diverting more business energy into fixing this need.   This is becoming a problem that will result in myself starting to look at your competitors to see if they have this inventory deducted when Invoice is created issue, and if not, begin a plan to migrate to their platform.  

is there a way to extract a list of items invoiced, but not paid. Would be very helpful for preparing orders for delivery


Nah not doable, sorry about that @FermeVivantCEA. Hope to see your face more here in the Community!! 

I have also come across this, its actually very annoying because you basically have to adjust the stock level manually twice - once when creating the invoice and once when its paid.  


I've now switched the inventory management for invoices off - if the stock level adjustment has got to be done manually anyway, its better to do it once at the point of invoice creation rather than twice!  This can be done via the Square Dashboard, Items, Settings, Inventory.


Its very odd the invoicing inventory only kicks when the invoice is paid though.

I would love to see the option to have inventory management handled at the point of invoice, rather than the point of payment! This would mean we're not having to manually adjust our stock to make sure an invoiced item isn't purchased from our webstore (and we do this quite a lot!).

Could this be added as an option please? Maybe a toggle that asks if you want invoices to handle inventory upon sending an invoice, or upon receiving payment?

@Walkersmiths @PLHLtd Thanks for your comments on this thread. I have been invited to a virtual meeting with one of the Square development team to discuss this issue on Thursday 18th March.  If you have any other information that might help make the issue more clear for the development team please let me have it and I will pass it on. Regards David

Hi David. This is interesting, thanks for the message. Hopefully something can be worked out.


Having posted about switching off the inventory management for invoices either I’ve done it wrong or it’s not working properly because it’s still adjusting the stock level once the invoice has been paid. Apart from this, I’ve nothing further to add. Thank you for messaging. 

“I've now switched the inventory management for invoices off - if the stock level adjustment has got to be done manually anyway, its better to do it once at the point of invoice creation rather than twice!  This can be done via the Square Dashboard, Items, Settings, Inventory.”

Sounds great! I'm not sure what kind of information you're looking for, so here's a direct example:


We have a new product coming into the store next week. We have 5x units coming, and 3x of those have been preordered (but not yet paid for) by customers. When those 5x units come in, we add them to our stock level. We then notify those customers that their preorders are available and send an invoice. It often takes a number of days for these customers to pay. While waiting for that payment, all 5x units are available on our webstore. This becomes a problem if we sell 3x (or more) of those on our webstore, but only actually have 2x available for webstore purchases because the other 3x were actually reserved for preorder customers, but we have no way of telling Square not to sell all of the stock online.


Setting invoices to deduct stock when they are sent is one of a few different solutions to this problem. Another solution would be to allow us to set a number of items as "reserved" quantity that cannot be sold online - but I imagine this would be more time consuming to implement than changing stock levels when an invoice is sent! I hope that helps.

Thanks for the update I will mention this on my call tomorrow. I hope they can arrange for users to pick a range of different points in a transaction timeline when stock is deducted from inventory. We did think of having a web store but have held off for the exact reasons you mention. . 

Thanks for the update. I will add this into the call and feedback.