
Feature Request: Work Orders

Feature Request: Work Orders

When is Square going to get Work Orders? Not Purchase Orders or Sales Receipts... Work Orders. Work Orders are different from Purchase Orders as Purchase Orders are for purchasing inventory from Vendors. Work Orders are similar to Sales Receipts as I am selling a customer an item, but unlike a Sales Receipt, the order is not fulfilled in the moment, it takes time to fulfill and the Work Order tracks progress. The current Ticket System is similar but not a true Work Order system.


For example... A customer comes to the store and would like something custom made, not a standard stock inventory item. This process will take several weeks. We create a Work Order with the customer's information. The work order has a notes section so we can add instructions / comments about the order. Notes can be added as the Work Order progresses as well about the progress being made. As we use items from inventory (or parts of items... think 3 feet of material from a bolt of fabric) for the item being made, they are added to the work order. Once the order is complete, the Work Order is then 'sold' to the customer. This closes the Work Order, debits inventory for all parts used and generates a Sales Receipt (which references the Work Order Number that generated it) for the sale of the created item.


Once you have a Work Order system, you could then use the same core system to build a Sales Order and Layaway system. Generally the only difference between these systems is when inventory is debited.


I have been asking for this feature since 2013. I was hoping to see it in your Retail app years ago but it has never appeared and it is the ONLY item that is preventing us from moving completely over to Square as our POS and Payment Processor.


I find it hard to believe that with as much retail business you all do that more people are not asking for this type system. Is there really no demand for this component?

62 Replies

I have a Restaurant Kitchen Appliance repair business. I need Work Orders.
For example:

Joe's Pizza calls in that their top left pizza oven is not working. I can't open an Estimate as no technician visited the site to diagnosis the problem.
Once my technician visits the site, they can log in their travel time and diagnosis time, especially needed for when we do Warranty work, and list parts needed.
My customer only needs to see that a Work Order has been generated and is on our work order schedule. After the repair is completed, the work order can be converted to an invoice and sent to our client for payment.  

Sounds like a feature is needed to  be added asap. 

@Alright71 did you find a work order solution?



Seems that the workflo of the invoicing process should be something like this:

1.  Estimate created and approved by customer

2.  Workorder Created with option to bill customer (with deposit and pay schedule).

3.  Workorder be assigned an appointment

4.  Workorder be updated at appointment completion

5.  Final invoice be generated with final payment required.


If you completed this workflo, square would be very user friendly for retail stores that provide services!

Thats great, but can we assign the contract to a work order and schedule the work order for an appointment?

We are using invoices and estimates how ever it doesnt reschedule the job.

Super frustrating that the appointments don turn into invoices or estimates and vice verser.

Would be awesome system if Square had a work order ticket system , to see what jobs are next and when they are scheduled

Contact kahnekt@gmail.com we are working on creating a scheduler/work order screen /that syncs to appointments, managing our repairs and services but using square payments, square appointments, square service items.


If you have any requirements please email us 




Contact kahnekt@gmail.com we are working on creating a scheduler/work order screen /that syncs to appointments, managing our repairs and services but using square payments, square appointments, square service items.



If you have any requirements please email us 



Hi Nates


Contact kahnekt@gmail.com we are working on creating a scheduler/work order screen /that syncs to appointments, managing our repairs and services but using square payments, square appointments, square service items.


If you have any requirements please email us 



Hi Raz


Contact kahnekt@gmail.com we are working on creating a scheduler/work order screen /that syncs to appointments, managing our repairs and services but using square payments, square appointments, square service items.


If you have any requirements please email us