
Can you send the same invoice to multiple customers?

Can you send the same invoice to multiple customers?

I tried to send the same invoice to nine customers, but I find the option less intuitive than PayPal's methods. It appears that one invoice was generated, and one customer was billed, and the remaining 8 were cc'ed. When you choose this option with PayPal, each customer email address receives its own bill with its own invoice number. Am I missing something? Thanks.

69 Replies

The lack of a batch invoice feature is causing me to look elsewhere for a solution. This is critical now given COVID. Asking businesses to manually duplicate invoices is cumbersome and Square users have requested this feature for *years*.

I'm in need of this for hundreds if not a thousand invoices annually, so your 'solution' is not a workable solution and may cause me to move my business to another platform. 

@twest Is there anyway to Send multiple drafts at once? Right now when you click "send draft" it reverts you to the invoices main page. Then you have to navigate back to the drafts page. It makes the process almost unbearable when having to send out 100+ drafted invoices.  Thank you


Thanks for your question, @Cgentz002. There isn't a way to do that right now, though @Tom posted a workaround that might save you some time when sending invoices to multiple people.


I have a customer requesting that an additional email address be added to their invoices but the only way I can find to do this, is for the cashier to add the additional email by hand. This is not working well and would love a way to add a CC address. Quick books POS offered this and it was very useful. 

Square Community Moderator

Heya @JLMills250.


We don't offer a way to attach two emails to one invoice at this time.


I moved your post to an existing thread where another seller had the same question so the team can track requests.

This thread started over 3 years ago and still the multiple invoicing options are not improved. What's the delay? If Square hopes to compete with other services you are going to have to step it up. If you are NOT fixing things your customers need, what are you doing to improve this system? Feeling like we signed up for a system that is not helping us.


We also need the ability to send the same invoice item to multiple folks (in our case, annual dues). 

I want to bill a group of customers the same fee. Can I send an invoice to multiple customers? 


Not quite yet @mwmiles2020! I merged your post to this thread just in case this changes. Then you can be notified along with the other sellers on this thread.


I would need to know how to send invoices a number of people at the same time and would like to omit the time to create one by one since they are all the same.  Thanks for your kind help!

Square Community Moderator



This would be great! I can confirm that we are only able to add one email when creating a Square Invoice and can't send multiple Invoices at a time. Although this is a manual process as well, you can duplicate Square Invoices for a faster workaround and share the link via a personal email if multiple invoices are going to the same person.


You can duplicate an invoice by heading to your Square Online Dashboard > Invoices > click on the invoice you want to duplicate > a box will open the right-hand side > scroll down to find > More next to Edit (take a look below at the screenshots). 




Screen Shot 2021-02-16 at 1.41.19 PM.png

Let me know if you have any other questions.