
Feature Request: Support selecting the same modifier more than once

Feature Request: Support selecting the same modifier more than once

The title of this post has been edited from the original: Can I select the same modifier more than once?
Is there a way to select 1 modifier twice? For example, I have an item named '3 TACOS', once the item has been selected on the app, the cashier can choose the meats as modifiers: steak, fish, tofu, etc. However, sometimes guests want 2 steak and 1 fish for example. How can I make this happen?
79 Replies

Right now unfortunately the only way would be to write each one 2 or 3 times. I’m hoping they find a way to improve this, but this workaround works in the meantime!

Any update on this issue?  I have the same situation.  We sell plants 3 for $10.  I can choose three different plants but not 2 reds and 1 blue, for example.


Thanks for checking in here, @KrakenCove—I see what you mean. We don't have any updates on this that I can access and share out right now. For the time being, Pesso's reply is the best solution to ensure that your items are correctly added to the sale.


I'll be sharing your experience with our Point of Sale team and point out that there's an opportunity to help sellers be more efficient at checkout. We'll circle back with any other developments—thanks for your patience as we work to improve!

Another option, if you have relatively few choices is to write out the combinations as modifier Options


1. 3 Steak

2. 2 Steak + 1 Fish

3. 2 Fish + 1 Steak
4. 3 Fish


It's also bit of a pain but might be better than


1. Steak

2. Steak

3. Steak

4. Fish

5. Fish

6. Fish


Up to you!

This reply was created from merging an existing thread: Selecting two of the same modifier

I am setting up modifiers for my menu and would like to give them the option to chose two of the same thing without having to add muliple of everything in the menu


I sell empanadas and offer combos to my meals. If they order more than one empanada they can order the same one 

How do I have the order taker enter two beef empanadas without having two beef empanada buttons? 

It lets me require two but it looks like it cant be two of the same. 


Also I offer a dozen empanadas by only have 7 flavors so how can they choose all 12 the same flavor or a mix of them 


Hi @MamaLucy!


At this time there isn't a way to select a modifier more than once but I definitely understand how it would help! So you're right, you would need to create another modifier in this scenarios. Would it help to just set up one new modifier as something like 'Extra exmpanada - same flavor' so that it could be used with each flavor, rather than creating another modifier for every flavor?   


For your other request could you create another modifier for when an order for 12 comes in along the lines of 'Order of 12 - mixed flavors'? 


I'm adding your post to this thread where other sellers shared interest in a way to add multiples of the same modifier to an order and describe how they currently manage them.

That makes sense (and thank you for the outline of it) but it would depend on the plants.  Some have so many options that we'd have to scroll through a few screens to have all of them.  I've taken to just using, for example, '3 pentas' or '3 $12 plants' on the square and then noting in a notebook which plants and which colors.  It's an extra step but we're seeing trends (which is the whole point of this) so I know which colors of which flowers sell and which ones don't at different venues.  I then manually enter that into our database.  It'd be so nice to have that on the Square reports though.  Otherwise, I love it and couldn't live without it 🙂


The title of this thread has been edited from the original: Duplicate modifiers

Using square for restaurants, I have several items that are pick 3 type items. So say someone wants 3 of the same thing in their order, how do I set that up in the register?


@rockfordsonmain At this timeit's not possible to add multiples of the same modifier to an order. For now you could create another modifier and name it something like '3-of-the-same [+ modifier name]'.


I'll share your post with the Restaurants team. Hopefully we'll have a solution for this for you soon. Thanks for your post! 

This reply was created from merging an existing thread: Multiple Modifiers


I have a cake shop. How do I set modifiers to where a customer can select multiple flavors? 


I have an item listing of Half Dozen Cupcakes. I also have all 12 cupcake flavors listed in mods. If a customer came in and wanted 3 chocolate and 3 vanilla cupcakes, how do I select a multiple of 3 of each mods to show under the receipt for packaging? 


It will only allow me to select one vanilla and one chocolate, instead of multiple.