
Feature Request: Allow staff to view their credit card tips without viewing all other reports

Feature Request: Allow staff to view their credit card tips without viewing all other reports

This reply was created from an existing thread: We need a report that shows just the tips earned during a shift that employees can access


We need a report that shows just the tips earned during a shift that employees can access. The new report interface has way too much sensitive information that employees are able to easily access when checking for their tip total. 


I really wish you all would have solved the tip report issue that users have been asking for years instead of spending the time to replicate an online report onto the app. 

2 Verified Answers
Verified Answer

Re: Improvements to the Sales Report in the Square Point of Sale App

@Crosscut I moved your post from this Product Update post.


The Team Management team is actively working to improve this based on the feedback we've heard from sellers. 


In the meantime, as a workaround you can prevent employees from viewing the sales report by unchecking the View Reports permission from the Team Permission/other Team Management role you're using. But that would prevent employees from seeing all reports from your device.


Another option, if you have mobile cashiers, is to give your team members the View all Transactions permission insteadThat way they will only see their own sales from the Transactions section of the app (and they won't be able to see anything from the Sales Report section). It's not a report, but it might help your team to keep track of their sales. 


If you have any questions about this please let me know, or don't hesitate to call our CS team who can help answer account-specific questions

Verified Answer

Re: Credit Card Tips / Reports Privacy

@STBCC Not yet but we are still tracking this feature request, I can see how it would be useful! For now you can view tips from the Employee Sales Report or Transactions section of your online Square Dashboard.

47 Replies

Hi @kplattee! Currently, there's not a way to customize these settings. I've moved your post to this thread so you can be alerted when this feature becomes available.

@Helen Ok, plan B is needed.  Can Square duplicate account info (payment bank accounts / profile ) to a new administrator email so that in effect, my account will look the same but my transaction and sales history will be wiped?  I really need daily running sales totals available to employees.  I'm trying to think of everything possible. 


@SoulSurfer I'm afraid it's not possible to set up your account that way. If your team is set up as mobile cashiers you can give them the View All Transactions permission and remove the View Reports permission. They'll be able to see their transactions (though there isn't a running total) and they won't be able to see reports.


I think it would also be worth calling our CS team. They can look at your account and set up and see if there are any other workarounds that will help while our team works on a solution! 

As a bar owner, I'm very frustrated as this is one of the things I was told it would have on it. Simple, employee presses a button and it tells him the amount of cash to pull out of the drawer for tips. As of now, my old pos (squirrel) is looking much better.

We just switched to Shopkeep due to some additional functions that I was looking for.  In light of the increase in rates, I realized it was a good time to shop around since Square was no longer competitive.


They offer this feature.

When using the Retail POS, is there a way to hide the item costs from employees? I don't want my cashier and my other employees who have access to adding and editing inventory to see it. I only want the owner and manager to have access to the item cost.

I gave Team access on the Point of Sale and the only permission they have is "Manage & Open Cash Drawers".  They still have the ability to to view the Transactions tab.

Has there been a fix that has been identified?  I'm considering square but if my employees have access to sales data, I may not consider using square.

Did you get a solution? 

Is there a solution to this?