
Feature Request: Allow staff to view their credit card tips without viewing all other reports

Feature Request: Allow staff to view their credit card tips without viewing all other reports

This reply was created from an existing thread: We need a report that shows just the tips earned during a shift that employees can access


We need a report that shows just the tips earned during a shift that employees can access. The new report interface has way too much sensitive information that employees are able to easily access when checking for their tip total. 


I really wish you all would have solved the tip report issue that users have been asking for years instead of spending the time to replicate an online report onto the app. 

2 Verified Answers
Verified Answer

Re: Improvements to the Sales Report in the Square Point of Sale App

@Crosscut I moved your post from this Product Update post.


The Team Management team is actively working to improve this based on the feedback we've heard from sellers. 


In the meantime, as a workaround you can prevent employees from viewing the sales report by unchecking the View Reports permission from the Team Permission/other Team Management role you're using. But that would prevent employees from seeing all reports from your device.


Another option, if you have mobile cashiers, is to give your team members the View all Transactions permission insteadThat way they will only see their own sales from the Transactions section of the app (and they won't be able to see anything from the Sales Report section). It's not a report, but it might help your team to keep track of their sales. 


If you have any questions about this please let me know, or don't hesitate to call our CS team who can help answer account-specific questions

Verified Answer

Re: Credit Card Tips / Reports Privacy

@STBCC Not yet but we are still tracking this feature request, I can see how it would be useful! For now you can view tips from the Employee Sales Report or Transactions section of your online Square Dashboard.

47 Replies

@STBCC Not yet but we are still tracking this feature request, I can see how it would be useful! For now you can view tips from the Employee Sales Report or Transactions section of your online Square Dashboard.


Hey @booc. I've moved your post to this thread where we're tracking this feature request. I do see how report that employees can access would be beneficial to you and other sellers - thanks for letting us know it's important to you. We'll share any updates in this thread as soon as they're available.

Helen, where can we find the area you moved this thread from. We will be moving away from square by october 1 st we dont get a tips and daily sales report. Just yesterday I had an employee pull our annual sales and make a comment about it. This is not okay for them to have this type of information. 


@Crosscut I moved your post from this Product Update post.


The Team Management team is actively working to improve this based on the feedback we've heard from sellers. 


In the meantime, as a workaround you can prevent employees from viewing the sales report by unchecking the View Reports permission from the Team Permission/other Team Management role you're using. But that would prevent employees from seeing all reports from your device.


Another option, if you have mobile cashiers, is to give your team members the View all Transactions permission insteadThat way they will only see their own sales from the Transactions section of the app (and they won't be able to see anything from the Sales Report section). It's not a report, but it might help your team to keep track of their sales. 


If you have any questions about this please let me know, or don't hesitate to call our CS team who can help answer account-specific questions

I really dislike the new information that is on the iPad. All of our employees have access to it, and they don't need to see it. Additionally, it takes an extra step to see where the tips are at any given time and it doesn't automatically refresh when you access the sales page.


I would really like the option to go back to the old interface on the iPad. Leave the extra data to the people who have access to the dashboard, not every employee.

I do dislike that too, i hate that all my employees can access our information 

and also see when the deposit, capital, 

how can we take it off the ipad. 

We've tried to set up permissions so that only the administrator can see the financial reports but all employees still have access. How do we change this??

To reaffirm what others have said, it's not helpful that now any employee with ipad access can see my full financial data.  They still need to be able to access daily sales info to track goals and tips, but they do not need access to my weekly/monthly/quarterly/yearly sales. 


Having to go to transactions to look up and manually add up tip totals is an unnecessary pain.

Square recently upgraded sales reporting which allowed my employees to see monthly, quarterly and yearly sales. How can I limit what my employees have access to view and do? The dashboard seems to be wide open since they can see deposits into bank account, request capital loan.....everything!!


@karalappe1 It sounds like using Team Management would help resolve this for you! You're able to set permissions for your employees so that they're only able to access what you need them to.


 This can be set up through the "Team" tab on your Dashboard. This article has a list of all the different Team permissions that you can enable for your employees (or not.) If you have questions as you're setting this up, please let me know!