
Feature Request: Allow staff to view their credit card tips without viewing all other reports

Feature Request: Allow staff to view their credit card tips without viewing all other reports

This reply was created from an existing thread: We need a report that shows just the tips earned during a shift that employees can access


We need a report that shows just the tips earned during a shift that employees can access. The new report interface has way too much sensitive information that employees are able to easily access when checking for their tip total. 


I really wish you all would have solved the tip report issue that users have been asking for years instead of spending the time to replicate an online report onto the app. 

2 Verified Answers
Verified Answer

Re: Improvements to the Sales Report in the Square Point of Sale App

@Crosscut I moved your post from this Product Update post.


The Team Management team is actively working to improve this based on the feedback we've heard from sellers. 


In the meantime, as a workaround you can prevent employees from viewing the sales report by unchecking the View Reports permission from the Team Permission/other Team Management role you're using. But that would prevent employees from seeing all reports from your device.


Another option, if you have mobile cashiers, is to give your team members the View all Transactions permission insteadThat way they will only see their own sales from the Transactions section of the app (and they won't be able to see anything from the Sales Report section). It's not a report, but it might help your team to keep track of their sales. 


If you have any questions about this please let me know, or don't hesitate to call our CS team who can help answer account-specific questions

Verified Answer

Re: Credit Card Tips / Reports Privacy

@STBCC Not yet but we are still tracking this feature request, I can see how it would be useful! For now you can view tips from the Employee Sales Report or Transactions section of your online Square Dashboard.

47 Replies

@Helen thanks for the response, just to be clear, it’s not a problem if one team member sees all team members sales on the same account. The “this device only option” solves that.


The problem is the sales history.  Beyond maybe 1 week, they don’t need to see it.  They basically have access to the financials of the entire business.  it’s already in the dashboard app so, seems easy to remove or restrict in team permissions. I would just break it out into sales “snapshot” and “detailed history”.  Essentially go back to the way it was ... sorry struggling to see the benefits of the update 🤷🏻‍♂️

I noticed on the latest update that everyone has access to sales figures and reports.  Who's idea was this?  I do not want my employees to have access to accounting information.  What small business would want ANYONE who walks up to the POS to be able to see all of the sales figures (daily, weekly, monthly and annually) by simply clicking on Reports?  Is there a way to turn off or restrict access to owner infromation?

Ditto! This is too much information! Goes to ruin employee moral encourages employee retaliation. A view of sales for the complete history is not the business of the employees! What has been seen cannot be unseen.

Check  this out :

the important items are on the bottom - where it is saying “owner passcode” then there is a link that says “security : team permissions” 

the first link here will take you to find this page on your dashboard 

that should help  

  • https://squareup.com/dashboard/account

@Helen This reports update has caused a significant problem as I’ve had to restrict team members viewing of daily reports to protect historical data, do I must find a work around ASAP or I’ll need to switch processors.  Here are my ideas, 1) fastest: can you provide a link so we can install an older version of the POS app, where sales reports are restricted to daily. 2) the quickest fix by means of coding would be to simply add the daily total to the transactions page. even if it was just total collected, team members could back calculate gross. This would be faster than trying to add up all the transactions manually (our current approach, which is unreasonable on high volume days).   Thanks ! 

My team is running into a big issue - we need to block our individual team members from seeing ANY transaction history, especially their own, and it looks like there is no option to remove that permission. 


This is imperative as it's one of the tools we need to implement to prevent employee theft. As a largely cash-based service without inventory to track, if our employees can pull their credit sales, then can edit their reported sales and cash totals to match and steal from us. But, if they can only guess at their credit sales, this becomes much more of a gamble for them and a deterrent. 


Anyone have a similar issue and an idea for a workaround? We may have to switch from Square, which I really would rather avoid. 




@SoulSurfer I'm very sorry for the frustration this is causing, I'm afraid there isn't a way to go back to the previous version of the app.


I have created a new thread here so we can track the sellers who are looking for the same feature to restrict employee's access to only certain reportsm, and so that employees can track tips and only tips. 


We are working to address this and we'll share any updates as soon as they come up so that everyone is notified. 

That's definitely a feature we would like to see. We have already had issues with staffing talking about sales figures with friends (we understand this is a personnel issue as well) but this never came up before the change. 


I would hope just allowing them access to transactions to adjust tickets/tips would be good enough. Or at least making it a permission.


@missmollymac Helen here from the Community team at Square.


If you're using Team Management (or Team Permissions) you should be able to prevent employees from viewing any sales information by unchecking the View Reports and uncheck the View all Transactions permissions from the Team Permission, or from the specific role you've created for your team members. Without these permissions a team member cannot see the Reports section of your Point of Sale and they shouldn't be able to see the Transactions section of the app. 


If you have any quesitons about this please let me know!  

Is there a way to customize sales reports so that employees can only view daily sales. We do not wish to have such easy access to the weekly, monthly, and yearly sales reports that came with the new update. We use the sales report to generate tips from credit cards and do not want the employees to tally their tips using transactions. I checked under Team Permissions and it appears to be an all or nothing deal with the sales report. Any way to customize this?


Thank you! 

